Yulya Biografie
Yulya - 19 Songtexte
- My Heart - Serdtse0
- The Little Blue Kerchief - Sinii Platochek0
- Moscow Nights (Midnight In Moscow) - Podmoskovnye Vechera0
- The Slender Mountain Ash - Tonkaya Ryabina0
- Silently - Tishina0
- Katiusha0
- Should The Volga's Banks Be Flooded - Yesli Volga Razolyyetsya0
- Lonely Accordion - Odinokaya Garmon0
- Oh You Dear Little Night - Akh Ty Nochenka0
- Dark Is The Night - Tyomnaya Noch'0
- Wait For Me - Zhdi Menya0
- Far Away, Far Away - Daleko, Deleko0
- The Boundless Expanse Of The Sea - Raskinulos' Morye Shiroko0
- The Way You Were - Kakim Ty Byl0
- White Nights - Belyie Nochi0
- Don't Scold Me, My Dear - Nye Brani Menya, Rodnaya0
- I Walk Alone Along The Road - Vykhazhu Odna Ya Na Dorogu0
- The River Flows - Bezhit Reka0
- Farewell Happiness - Proshchai Radost0
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