Nothing Here Now But The Recordings Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
"Captain Clark Welcomes You Aboard"
- 2
"The Saints Go Marching Through All The Popular Tunes"
- 3
- 4
"Outside The Pier Prowed Like Electric Turtles"
- 5
"The Total Taste Is Here" - News Cut-Up
- 6
- 7
"We See The Future Through The Binoculars Of The People"
- 8
"Just Checking Your Summer Recordings"
- 9
Creepy Letter - Cut-Up At The Beat Hotel In Paris
- 10
Inching - "Is This Machine Recording?"
- 11
"Handkerchief Masks" - News Cut-Up
- 12
"Word Falling - Photo Falling"
- 13
- 14
"It's About Time To Identify Oven Area"
- 15