Works By T.J. Anderson, David Baker, Donal Fox, Olly Wilson Infos
Veröffentlicht: 1992
Gesamte Laufzeit: / Minuten
Works By T.J. Anderson, David Baker, Donal Fox, Olly Wilson Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
Sometimes (For Tenor And Tape)
- 2
Dialectics For Two Grand Pianos
- 3
- 4
Four Chords From T.J.'s Intermezzi
- 5
- 6
- 7
I. "Thou Dost Lay Me In The Dust Of Death"
- 8
- 9
III. "My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"
- 10
- 11
- 12
VI. "Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child"
- 13
VII. "Now That He Is Safely Dead"
- 14