
Ain't It Funny How It Works Songtext / Lyric

Smokie - Ain't It Funny How It Works Songtext

Ain't it funny how it works, you chase something all you life,

then you find it when you'd finally given up.

When I least expected it, the stars lined up just right,

and suddenly I found myself in love.

When you're lyin' next to me, there's no place I'd rather be on earth.

It's strange how simple love can be, ain't it funny how it works.

Ain't it funny how it works, you know just the way I feel,

before I even have to say a thing,

I see it every day, but it still amazes me,

what a little trust and honesty can bring.

When you're reachin out to me, I've got so much love to return.

Love is such sweet mystery, ain't it funny how it works.

When you're lyin' next to me, there's no place I'd rather be on earth.

It's strange how simple love can be, ain't it funny how it works.

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