Ryota Koduka Biografie
Ryota Koduka - 147 Songtexte
- Main Theme0
- Self0
- Hallucination0
- Premonition0
- Homesickness0
- The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado0
- Aquila Statue Plaza0
- Barracks0
- Naraku: Upper Strata0
- Negotiations0
- Battle - a10
- Battle Over0
- Rooftop0
- K's Tavern0
- Naraku: Lower Strata0
- Domain0
- Crisis0
- Battle - b10
- Murmur0
- Distress0
- Kiccigiorgi Forest0
- Unrest0
- Confrontation0
- Battle - b20
- Excavation Worker's Quarters0
- Terminal0
- Call0
- Traffic0
- Cathedral of Shadows #10
- Cathedral of Shadows #20
- Cathedral of Shadows #30
- Cathedral of Shadows #40
- Cathedral of Shadows Demon Fusion0
- Tokyo0
- Battle - a20
- Aboveground Urban Area A0
- Ueno Underground District0
- The Hunter Association0
- Battle - c10
- Aboveground Urban Area B0
- Challenge Quest α0
- Battle - c20
- Shinjuku Underground District0
- Ashura-Kai Authorized Shop0
- Black Market0
- Aboveground Urban Area C0
- Ikebukuro Underground District0
- Kagome Tower0
- Distrust0
- Roppongi Area0
- Shibuya Underground District0
- Tension0
- Ginza Underground District0
- Tsukiji Hongwanji0
- Underground Passage0
- Chaos Theme0
- Tennozu Shelter0
- Battle - c40
- The River Styx0
- Charon0
- Challenge Quest β0
- Battle - c30
- Conversation0
- Members-Only Club0
- Cafe Florida0
- Tokyo Midtown0
- Reverse Hills0
- Advent0
- Law Theme0
- Separation0
- Camp Ichigaya0
- End0
- Yamato Perpetual Reactor0
- The White0
- Blasted Tokyo0
- Kiyoharu0
- Blasted Tokyo: Underground Shelter0
- Pluto Castle0
- Battle - a30
- Chaos -origin-0
- Blasted Ichigaya0
- Infernal Kasumigaseki0
- Infernal Tokyo0
- Infernal Tokyo: Underground District0
- Law -origin-0
- Infernal Ichigaya0
- Battle - b30
- Release0
- Monochrome Forest0
- The National Defense Divinities0
- Neutral Theme0
- Battle - b40
- Purgatorium0
- Battle - b50
- Battle - b60
- King0
- Reign0
- Lucifer Palace0
- Battle - b70
- Battle - b80
- Mission0
- Messiah0
- Masakado0
- The Great Spirit of Hope0
- Daybreak0
- Goddess0
- Shop0
- Shinjuku0
- Battle - c50
- Battle - c60
- End Credits0
- Introduction0
- Title0
- Outlaw Hunter Theme0
- Kinshicho Underground District0
- Outlaw Hunters' Association0
- Kinshicho - Kinshi Park0
- Battle - f1 (Normal Battle)0
- Level Up0
- Battle - f2 (Mid-Boss Battle)0
- Yomotsu Hirasaka0
- Dagda Theme0
- Large Map0
- Fairy Forest0
- Recovery Spring0
- Kanda Shrine0
- Kanda Shrine - Stone Tomb0
- Polytheistic Alliance Theme0
- Battle - f3 Shesha0
- Cathedral of Shadows0
- East Madness0
- Battle - f4 Polytheistic Alliance0
- Asahi0
- Time of Decision0
- Third Decision0
- The Beginning of the End0
- Battle - f5 Retreat from the Old One0
- Battle - f6 Deicide0
- Outer Universe0
- Battle - f7 Existence of All Things0
- Battle - f8 One Who Stands Against God0
- Alas, Farewell0
- The World Afterward0
- TD15_kgsk0
- Coalescence 12120
- TE02_8bit0
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