Pro Cantione Antiqua Biografie
Pro Cantione Antiqua of London (PCA) ist ein britisches Vokalensemble, welches 1968 vom Tenor James Griffet, dem Countertenor Paul Esswood sowie dem Dirigenten und Produzenten Mark Brown gegründet wurde.
Pro Cantione Antiqua - 256 Songtexte
- Gloria Zu 4 Stimmen0
- Credo Zu 4 Stimmen0
- Beata Progenies (Motette Zu 3 Stimmen)0
- Stella Coeli Extirpavit (Motette Zu 3 Stimmen)0
- Salve Scema Sanctitatis-Salve Salus Servulorum-Cantant Celi Agmina0
- Gloria Zu 5 Stimmen0
- Beata Dei Genitrix0
- Ave Regina Coulorum0
- We Be Soldiers Three0
- When The Cock Begins To Crow0
- The Three Ravens0
- Trudge Away Quickly0
- Christchurch Bells Upon Christchurch Bells In Oxford0
- I Gave Her Cakes And Ale0
- Of All The Birds0
- We Be Three Poor Mariners0
- The Marriage Of The Frog And The Mouse0
- Tom The Taylor0
- Three Country Dances0
- Remember O Thou Man (A Christmas Carol)0
- Gather Your Rosebuds0
- Sir Walter0
- My Lady's Coachman John0
- Though I Am Young0
- As Roger Last Night0
- He That Drinks0
- See How In Gathering0
- By A Bank0
- Strict Simple Organum At The Fifth: Tu Patris Sempiternus0
- Strict Composite Organum At The Fourth: Tu Patris Sempiternus0
- Strict Composite Organum At The Fifth: Sit Gloria Domini0
- Free Organum: Rex Caeli, Domine0
- Free Organum: Te Humiles Famuli0
- Organum: Alleluia Te Martyrum0
- Organum: Alleluia Justus Ut Palma0
- Organum: Rex Omnia Tenens0
- Organum: De Monte Lapis0
- Organum: Kyrie Rex Immense, Pater0
- Organum: Alleluia Non Vos Relinquam0
- Motet Hypocritae, Pseudopontifices - Velut Stellae Firmamenti - Et Gaudebit0
- Motet: Quant Florist - El Mois De Mai - Et Gaudebit0
- Motet: Cil S'entremet - Nux Hom Porruit - Victimae Paschali0
- Motet: Psallat Chorus - Eximie Pater - Aptatur0
- Motet: Excelsus In Nomine - Benedictus Dominus0
- Motet: Caligo Terra - Virgo Maria0
- Motet: O Homo Considera - O Homo De Pulvere - Filiae Jerusalem0
- Conductus: Pange Melos Lacrimosum0
- Conductus: Deus In Adjutorium0
- Conductus: Praemii Dilatio0
- Conductus: Mundus Vergens0
- Conductus: Beata Viscera0
- Song: Hé, Diex! Quant Verrai0
- Song: Edi Beo Thu0
- He Parthenos Semeron0
- Crus Fidelis And Pange Lingua0
- Deus Miserere0
- Si Ascendero0
- A Summo Caelo0
- Psalm Beatus Vir With Antiphon Erat Autem Aspectus0
- Psalm In Exitu Israel With Antiphon Deus Autem Noster0
- Responsory Hodie Nobis Caelorum Rex0
- Qui Confidunt In Domino0
- Scene I: The Adoration Of The Shepherds0
- Scene II: The Journey Of The Magi0
- Scene III: Herod's Court0
- Scene IV: The Adoration Of The Magi0
- A. Deus Miserere / B. Si Ascendero0
- Beatus Vir And Erat Autem Aspectus0
- In Exitu Israel And Deus Autem Noster0
- Hodie Nobis Caelorum Rex0
- The Adoration Of The Shepherds0
- The Journey Of The Magi0
- Herod's Court0
- The Adoration Of The Magi0
- Who Shall Have My Fair Lady0
- Up I Arose In Verno Tempore0
- Adieu Madame Et Ma Maistresse0
- Let Not Us That Young Men Be0
- In Wilderness0
- Time To Pass With Goodly Support0
- My Love She Mourn'th0
- England Be Glad0
- Helas Madame0
- Alas What Shall I Do For Love0
- O My Heart Is Sore0
- Joan Is Sick And Ill At Ease0
- If I Had Wit For To Endite0
- Come O'er The Burn, Bessy0
- Hey Trolly Lolly Lo0
- Missa Tournai0
- Missa Barcelona0
- Jesu, Mercy0
- Quid Petits, O Fili?0
- Ah, Blessed Jesu0
- Ah, Gentle Jesu0
- Ah, My Dear Son0
- My Fearful Dream0
- Alone, Alone, Alone0
- Woefully Arrayed0
- Ductia (English, 13th Century)0
- Alle Psallite (German, 13th Century)0
- Portugaler (French,14th/15th Century)0
- Angelus Ad Virginem (English, 13th/14th Century)0
- In Seculum Breve (French, 13th Century)0
- Orientis Partibus (French, 13th Century)0
- Verbum Patris (French, 12th Century)0
- E Semine Rosa (French,12th/13th Century)0
- Alleluia Psallat (English, 13th/14th Century)0
- Thys Vol (English, 14th/15th Century)0
- Edi Beo Thu (English, 13th Century)0
- Ecce Quod Natura (English,15th Century)0
- Nova, Nova (English,15th Century)0
- Goday My Lord Syre Cristemasse (English,15th Century)0
- Danse Real (French,13th Century)0
- Beata Viscera (French,12th/13th Century)0
- Virgo (French,13th Century)0
- Beata Viscera (English,13th Century)0
- Quene Note (English,14th/15th Century)0
- A Sollis Ortus (French,15th Century)0
- Tard Il Mio Cor (English,15th Century)0
- Ther Ys No Rose (English,15th Century)0
- Nowel, Synge We Both Al And Som (English,15th Century)0
- Nowel, Owt Of Your Slepe (English,15th Century)0
- Hayl Mary (English,15th Century)0
- Synge We To This Mery Cumpane (English,15th Century)0
- Foresters Sound The Cheerful Horn0
- Epithap On A Dormouse0
- Strike The Lyre0
- The Goslings0
- Two Snails0
- Come Gentle Zephyr0
- Come, Let Us Join The Roundelay0
- Breathe Soft, Ye Winds0
- Sweet And Low0
- There Is A Paradise On Earth0
- O Who Will O'Er The Downs So Free0
- Waters Of Elle0
- The Kiss0
- Charm Me Asleep0
- The Squirrel0
- List! For The Breeze0
- When Ev'ning's Twilight0
- As Torrents In Summer0
- The Long Day Closes0
- De profundis0
- Versa est in luctum0
- Oculi mei0
- Laetentur caeli0
- Commissa mea pavesco0
- Lamentationes0
- In Monte Oliveti0
- O vos omnes0
- Pia et dolorosa Mater0
- In ieiunio et fletu0
- Memento homo0
- Montes Israel0
- Parce Domine0
- Revelabitur gloria Domini0
- Esto mihi0
- Exsurge0
- Ecce ascendimus0
- Adiuva nos0
- Ille homo0
- Ego sum resurrectio0
- Magister volumus0
- Res tremendae maiestatis0
- Recordare Virgo Mater0
- Salve Regina0
- Hodie Christus Natus Est0
- Ecce Quod Natura0
- Salvator Mundi Domine0
- Hay! Mary Ful Of Grace0
- Nato Canunt Omnia0
- Jhesu, Fil Virginis0
- Nova, Nova0
- Lullay, Lullow0
- Nowell, Nowell (Dieu Vous Garde)0
- Dominus Dixit Ad Me0
- A Solis Ortus Cardine0
- Nowel, Nowel, Owt Of Your Slepe0
- Ther Is No Rose Of Swych Vertu0
- Sancte Dei Preciose0
- Emendemus In Melius0
- Attende Domine0
- Tibi Domine Derelictus Est Pauper0
- Iesu, Quadragenariae Dicator Abstinentiae0
- Audi, Benigne Conditor0
- Vexilla Regis Prodeunt0
- Chants0
- Christus Factus Est0
- Nos Autem Gloriari Oportet0
- Three Antiphons0
- Ubi Caritas0
- De Lamentatione Ieremiae Prophetae0
- Tenebrae Factae Sunt0
- Ecce Lignum Crucis0
- Exsultet Iam Angelica Turba Caelorum0
- Victimae Paschali Laudes0
- Salve, Feste Dies0
- Kyrie "Orbis Factor" (cum versibus)0
- Gloria0
- Credo0
- Sanctus und Benedictus0
- Agnus Dei0
- Lamentationes zu 5 Stimmen0
- Kyrie0
- Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers0
- O Care, Thou Wilt Dispatch Me (Part II) Hence Care, Thou Art Too Cruel0
- Come Away, Sweet Love0
- Draw On, Sweet Night0
- Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone0
- Lullaby, My Sweet Little Baby0
- O Yes! Has Any Found A Lad?0
- Construe My Meaning0
- Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis0
- Now Is The Month Of Maying0
- The Silver Swan0
- See What A Maze Of Error0
- Too Much I Once Lamented0
- Weep, Weep, Mine Eyes0
- Sing We And Chant It0
- What Is Our Life?0
- Sing We At Pleasure0
- Out From The Vale Of Deep Despair0
- Weep, O Mine Eyes0
- Quick, Quick Away, Dispatch0
- Those Sweet Delightful Lilies0
- Sweet Honey-Sucking Bees (Part II) Yet, Sweet, Take Heed0
- Hey ho, to the greenwood0
- Luer falconers0
- Hey trola, trola0
- We cats when assembled0
- Round about in a fair ring0
- Yonder comes0
- Since time so kind0
- I cannot come every day0
- Once, twice, thrice0
- Tomorrow the fox will come0
- Canst thou love0
- Celia learning on a spinnet0
- Who liveth so merry0
- Long have we bin perplext0
- Hey ho, nobody at home0
- Give us once a drink0
- Would you know0
- The glories of our birth0
- Under this stone0
- Who's the fool now?0
- Diaphenia0
- Thinkst thou Kate0
- Down-a-down0
- A shepherd in a shade0
- Fine knacks for ladies0
- Where sin sore wounding0
- Never weather-beaten sail0
- Jack and Jone0
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