Peter Combe Biografie
Peter Combe - 121 Songtexte
- Down In The Meadow0
- Zum Gali Gali0
- Jennie Jenkins0
- Wake Snake0
- Song Of The Delhi Tongawallah0
- John Smith, Fellow Fine0
- Rolling Home0
- Three Little Pigs0
- Strawberry Fair0
- William Brown0
- Kumba Yah0
- Tinga Layo0
- The Old Cow Died0
- Sunday Morning Tune0
- Cosher Bailey0
- Down The Road0
- Wassail Song0
- Every Star Shall Sing A Carol0
- Juicy Juicy Green Grass (A Sheep's Lament)0
- Moon Moon0
- The Silly Postman0
- Cats0
- Toffee Apple0
- Red Balloon0
- Standing On A Bus0
- Little Caterpillar0
- The Walking Song0
- Green Green Green0
- Baghdad0
- Tadpole Blues0
- I Have0
- Dr McKew0
- Jeffrey Hill0
- Jack And The Beanstalk0
- Why Don't We0
- Sweet Dreams And Teddy Bears0
- Take A Bath0
- That's The Way I Like It0
- Lullaby (For Tom)0
- Newspaper Mama0
- Six Juicy Apples0
- Blow Out The Candles0
- Happy As Larry0
- Edward J Fox0
- Syntax Error0
- All Good Things0
- The Front Of Me0
- Hammer In The Nails0
- Australia Hooray0
- Yellow Banana0
- Chish And Fips0
- Walking Encyclopaedia0
- Spangle Road0
- Tell Me The Ti-i-ime Please0
- First Reader0
- Chops And Sausages0
- Snow White And Prince0
- Robin Hood's Dream0
- This Little Pig0
- Thelma Brown0
- The Put It Song0
- Rain0
- Rock 'N' Roll Is All You Need0
- Down In The Bathroom0
- Music Of The Day0
- Saturday Night0
- Chopsticks0
- Cast Away0
- Mr. Clicketty Cane0
- Spaghetti Bolognaise0
- Juicy, Juicy Green Grass (A Sheep's Lament)0
- Jennifer Wicks0
- Everybody's Got A Little Rhythm0
- Running On The Spot0
- New Playgym0
- Shake Yourself0
- Goldilocks And The Porridge0
- George Cryolot Crumble0
- The Billy Goat's Gruff0
- Arms Were Made To Hug And Squeeze0
- Peppercorn Tree0
- Goldilocks Goldilocks0
- Oscar And Mr Hairy Gorilla0
- The Mixed Up Song0
- Red Train0
- Green, Red And Yellow0
- Kangaroo, Kangaroo0
- Old Wheelbarrow0
- Up And Down0
- Little Groover0
- There Was A Crooked Man0
- Run0
- Take Your Feet0
- Honey0
- Frog On Your Head0
- Monkey In The Teapot0
- Only One Nose0
- Hey John0
- Ning Nong (Andante)0
- I Just Love Peanut Butter0
- Rumpelstiltskin0
- Ning Nong (Presto)0
- Another Cup Of Tea0
- Under The Starry Sky0
- Happy Christmas To You0
- Christmas Eve0
- Tell Me The Story0
- Star Shines Bright0
- Baby Lying In a Manger0
- Chock A Block (The Innkeeper's Song)0
- Rejoice Rejoice0
- Hang Up Your Stocking0
- Christmas Is Coming0
- To You Merry Christmas0
- Love & Joy0
- Caesar's Decree Song0
- Ping0
- O Little One0
- Fear Not For I0
- Christmas Child0
- Christmas Is Coming (With Choir)0
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