Áilleacht - Beauty Songliste & Songtexte
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Cuimhne Chuailgne (Cooley's Memory)
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
Cruit Dhubhrois (The Harp Of Dubhros)
- 9
Cead Slán, A Ghrá (Farewell, My Love)
- 10
- 11
Gleann Na Ndeor (The Valley Of Tears)
Cuimhne Chuailgne (Cooley's Memory)
Cruit Dhubhrois (The Harp Of Dubhros)
Cead Slán, A Ghrá (Farewell, My Love)
Gleann Na Ndeor (The Valley Of Tears)