P.J. Olsson

Beautiful Woman Songtext / Lyric

P.J. Olsson - Beautiful Woman Songtext

Because I love a beautiful woman

I get in trouble in my mind

Because I love a beautiful woman

In the mind

Traveled through blues, soul

Everything that I know

To show how wrong a man can be

When a woman dreams her dreams

Things are known

It don't feel right

To look and think the things I do

How's a man to respond

When beauty is defined by you

A song gives me strength

And I can't do without'€¦without

Because I love a beautiful woman

I get in trouble in my mind

Because I love a beautiful woman

In the mind

Traveled through love long enough

To know it's a road

And you are my pain

Be yourself now

And tell me anything

I can't hear without your voice

Can you bring me back home

From this failure road

That's my own

Because I love a beautiful woman

I get in trouble in my mind

Because I love a beautiful woman

In the mind

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