Two Boys Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
1. Prologue & Scene 1 (Alley/Police Station): Help! Help! My Friend Has Been Stabbed!
- 2
Scene 2 (Hospital): You Understand Your Son Had No Pulse...
- 3
Scene 3 (Police Station): Brian? I'm Detective Sargeant Strawson
- 4
Scene 4 (Brian's Bedroom): Chorus: U There? / Who Is This?
- 5
Scene 5 (Police Station): I'm Not! / Brian. There Are Witnesses
- 6
Scene 6 (Brian's Bedroom): Brian?... Church in ten minutes... Chorus: How are u?
- 7
Scene 7 (Church): Amen... O Lord, Open Thou Our Lips
- 8
Scene 8 (Brian's House): Has Brian Been In Trouble Before?
- 9
Scene 9 (Police Station): Copy Of The Security Tape From The Shopping Centre
- 10
Scene 10 (Anne's Flat): You Should See This Boy They've Stuck Me With
- 11
Scene 11 (Police Station): No One Else Goes In Or Out... You Stabbed Him
- 12
Scene 12 (Brian's Bedroom): Brian...You Don't Know Me... Chorus: Can't Stop Talking
- 13
Scene 13 (Hallway): "That's For D**n Sure"
- 14
Scene 14 (Interview Room/Brian's Room): You Searched For Rebecca...
- 15
Scene 15 (Hospital): Mrs. Wilson? / I Know He Hears Us
- 16
Scene 16 (Police Station): The transcripts from the server
- 17
Scene 1 (Police Station): Even Senseless Crimes Make Sense
- 18
Scene 2 (Police Station): Told you. You think I'm smart enough... Chorus: [Grocery items]
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Scene 3 (Brian's Bedroom): It Had To Be Done... I'm Sure You Understand
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Scene 3 (Brian's Bedroom): I Have To See You! / Ur In Danger
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Scene 3 (Brian's Bedroom): Trick Or Treat!
- 22
Scene 3 (Brian's Bedroom): Hey... I Knew You Wouldn't Believe
- 23
Scene 3 (Brian's Bedroom): Chorus: I Saw U In Algebra..
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Scene 4 (Police Station): Did You Have Sex?
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Scene 5 (Brian's Bedroom): Brian... I Have A Proposition
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Scene 6 (Police Station): You Refused / He Was My Friend!
- 27
Scene 7 (Anne's Flat) & Scene 8 (Police Station): Mother!... Are you all right?
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Scene 9 (Brian's Bedroom): What's Up? / U Updated Your Photo
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Scene 10 (Police Station): You Taking The P**s? / Maybe Not
- 30
Scene 11 (Brian's Bedroom): If I'm Not At The Doctor
- 31
Scene 12 (Alley): Do What I Say / Okay
- 32
Scene 13 (Police Station): Thank You, Brian. Do You Understand What's Happened To You?
- 33
Scene 14 (Hospital): Detective, This Is My Daughter, Rebecca... Chorus: Kill Urself
- 34
Scene 14 Cont'd (Police Station): And There They Are-Rebecca. Fiona. Peter..