Madroom I am for an art that takes its forms from the lines of life itself, that twists and extends and accumulates and spits and drips Songtexte

I am for an art that takes its forms from the lines of life itself, that twists and extends and accumulates and spits and drips Infos

Veröffentlicht: 1984
Gesamte Laufzeit: / Minuten

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I am for an art that takes its forms from the lines of life itself, that twists and extends and accumulates and spits and drips Songliste & Songtexte

  1. 1

    Acid Dog... Man!

    • 2

      I Deaf

      • 3

        The Lever

        • 4

          The Gruelling Song

          • 5


            • 6

              The Last Drink I Ever Had

              • 7

                The Organ Grinder