Legendary Pink Dots Biografie
Die Legendary Pink Dots (LPD) sind eine anglo-niederländische Experimental-Rock-Formation, die im August 1980 in London gegründet wurde und 1984 nach Amsterdam übersiedelte. Den Kern der Band bilden Sänger und Mastermind Edward Ka-Spel (der auf der Bühne immer wieder an Risse gemahnende Linien im Gesicht trug) und Keyboarder Phil Knight (besser bekannt als „The Silverman“). Ansonsten gehörten der Band über die Jahre und Jahrzehnte um die drei Dutzend Mitstreiter an. Darunter sind besonders der Violinist Patrick Q. Wright (1984–1989) und der Bassist/Schlagzeuger Ryan Moore (1992–2000) hervorzuheben.
Legendary Pink Dots - 634 Songtexte
- Pain Bubbles0
- Lent0
- When I'm with You0
- Death Of A King0
- Blue0
- When Lenny Meets Lorca0
- Condition Green0
- Skeltzer Spleltzer0
- Godless0
- Divine Resignation0
- The Day She Returned0
- Clockwise0
- Citadel0
- Friend0
- A Velvet Resurrection0
- 1001 Commandments0
- Remember Me This Way0
- This One-eyed Man Is King0
- Straight On 'Til Morning0
- Damien0
- This Hollowed Ground0
- The Red & The Black0
- The Dairy0
- Jewel On An Island0
- Rattlesnake Arena0
- The Shock Of Contact0
- Jewel In The Crown0
- Our Lady In Chambers0
- Our Lady In Kharki0
- Our Lady In Darkness0
- The Guardians of Eden0
- Dissonance0
- As Long as it's Purple and Green0
- Ghost0
- Under Your Wheels0
- A Sunset For A Swan0
- Zoo0
- Fate's Faithful Punchline0
- Cheating The Shadow0
- Slaapliedje0
- Needles (Version Sirius)0
- Beautiful Machine0
- Anastasia0
- Day Zero0
- Damien (Remix)0
- Maniac0
- The Talent Contest0
- The More It Changes0
- Hotel Noir0
- The Month After0
- Lisa's Separation0
- The Golden Age0
- Black Castles0
- Regression0
- Blacklist0
- Methods0
- Our Lady In Cervetori0
- Disturbance0
- Pennies For Heaven0
- The Third Secret0
- The Grain Kings0
- The Ocean Cried0
- Belladonna0
- A Space Between0
- Evolution0
- Lilith0
- Cheraderama0
- Expresso Noir0
- Crushed Velvet0
- Black Zone0
- Breakday0
- Tower One0
- Vigil-Anti0
- A Lust For Powder0
- Poppy Day0
- Tower Two0
- Astrid0
- Rope & Glory0
- Tower Three0
- Tower Four0
- Tower Five0
- Stigmata Part One (Freiheit)0
- Klazh0
- Love Is ...0
- No Reason0
- 8340
- Wall Purges Night (Version)0
- Basilisk 10
- Clean Up0
- Basilisk 20
- Premonition 80
- Flesh Parade0
- Purity0
- Purified0
- Forgotten0
- Davritt0
- Outsider0
- Invocation0
- Love In A Plain Brown Envelope0
- Love On A Stained Glass Window0
- Close Your Eyes, You Can Be A Space Captain0
- Premonition 90
- Casting The Runes0
- A Strychnine Kiss0
- Laguna Beach0
- The Gallery0
- Neon Mariners0
- True Love0
- The Peculiar Fun Fair0
- Waiting For The Cloud0
- Cloud Zero0
- Neon Marines0
- Under Glass0
- The Light In My Little Girl's Eyes0
- The Plasma Twins0
- Echo Police0
- God & Machines0
- Intro/True Love/A Strychnine Kiss/Neon Mariners0
- Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...0
- Red Castles0
- Louder After Six0
- The Wedding0
- Apocalypse Then0
- Legacy0
- City Ghosts0
- Hanging Gardens0
- Soma Bath0
- Premonition 40
- Love Puppets0
- Wall Purges Night0
- Lisa's Party0
- Aarzhklahh Olgevezh0
- Pruumptje Kurss0
- Waving At The Aeroplanes0
- Hiding0
- Doll's House / The Palace Of Love0
- Stoned Obituary0
- Stoned Obituary (1)0
- Stoned Obituary (2)0
- Break Day0
- Tower 10
- Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm0
- Plague 20
- Tower 20
- Rope & Glory0
- Tower 30
- Tower 40
- Tower 50
- Blasto0
- Sleezo0
- Neon Gladiators0
- Kitto0
- Eight Minutes To Live0
- Cross Of Fire0
- The Warden0
- Touched By The Midnight Sun0
- Rash0
- The Day Before It Happened0
- Brighter Now0
- Marz Attacks0
- Sabres At Dawn0
- All The King's Men0
- The Brightest Star0
- Shining Path0
- Rome0
- Kami Kai0
- Premonition 260
- Premonition 280
- The More It Stays The Same0
- Flashback0
- Kalos Melas0
- Thunderlandtruelovewaits0
- Shiver Me Timbres0
- Engeltje0
- Ah Tension0
- The Cruel Sea0
- The Lounge0
- Session 550
- Half A Minute0
- Adrenalin0
- Exceptional Buddhist0
- Russian Roulet0
- Hauptbanhof0
- Soft Toy0
- Untitled0
- Interview With Brian Turner0
- God And Machines0
- I Love You In Your Tragic Beauty0
- Green Gang0
- Hellsville0
- Hellowe'en0
- The Safe Way0
- Just A Lifetime0
- The Death Of Jack The Ripper0
- New Tomorrow0
- Princess Coldheart0
- The Pleasure Palace0
- The Collector0
- C.V.A.0
- Sandwich Abuse0
- A Crack In Melancholy Time0
- On Another Shore0
- Greengang0
- Siren0
- Fifteen Flies In The Marmalade0
- Nine Shades To The Circle0
- Premonition 130
- Crumbs On The Carpet0
- Madame Guillotine0
- Bella Donna0
- Hotel Z0
- Encore Une Fois0
- Lisa's Party0
- Space Captain0
- Of All The Girls...0
- What's Next?0
- Playschool0
- Sex0
- Closet Kings0
- Spiritus0
- Hauptbahnhof0
- The Wrong Impedence0
- Passing Thought0
- Atomic Roses #10
- Ideal Home0
- Atomic Roses #20
- The Unlikely Event0
- The Way I Feel Today0
- 12th0
- Our Dominion0
- Chain Surfing/Just Wave/It's The Real Thing0
- A Bargain At Half The Price/Daisy0
- Birdie0
- Lisa Goes Surfing0
- Wax And Feathers0
- The Emergency Exit0
- The Peculiar Funfair0
- The Light In My Little Girl's Eyes0
- Gladiators (Version Apocalypse)0
- When I'm With You0
- Mood 1590
- Pain Bubbles / Blue0
- Premonition 250
- Blue (Full Glory)0
- Gorgon Zola's Baby0
- 15 Flies In The Marmalade0
- Femme Mirage0
- The Hill0
- Demonism0
- Prisoner0
- So Gallantly Screaming0
- I Am The Way, The Truth, The Light0
- Agape0
- Golden Dawn0
- The Last Straw0
- A Message From Our Sponsor0
- Go Ask Alice0
- This Could Be The End0
- Louder After 60
- Dolls' House0
- The Palace Of Love0
- The Day She Left0
- The Day She Thought About Leaving But Fell Into The Duckpond0
- Nadelstadt0
- The Day She Lost The Key0
- Excerpt From "The Citadel"0
- Divine Resignation Part 10
- Divine Resignation Part 20
- (Your Chinese Has Improved)0
- East Of Shanghai0
- A Velvet Resurrection /Kolussim0
- This One-Eyed Man Is King/Straight On 'Til Morning0
- Remember Me This Way (Full Length Version)0
- A Velvet Resurrection (Version)0
- Friend (Version)0
- On High0
- Mekkanikk0
- Sterre0
- Spike0
- All Sides0
- Harvest Babies0
- Lucifer Landed0
- The Hanged Man0
- The Saucers Are Coming0
- Destined To Repeat0
- Hallway0
- 9 Shades Houston Parts 1 & 20
- Spike (Psychomix)0
- The Elephants' Graveyard0
- Sterre (Instrumental Mix)0
- Tower 60
- The Red & The Black0
- The Diary0
- Emblem Parade0
- The Guardian Of Eden0
- Joey The Canary0
- Kingdom Of The Flies0
- Wildlife Estate0
- Pavane0
- Window On The World0
- On The Boards0
- We Bring The Day0
- Paris 4 A.M.0
- Softly Softly0
- Oasis Malade0
- The Angel Trail0
- 9 Shades To The Circle0
- A Terra Firma Welcome0
- The Uncanny 18th Shade0
- Zero Zero0
- Guilty Man/Ghosts Of Unborn Children0
- City Of Needles0
- Stitching Time/The Twilight Hour0
- The Key To Heaven0
- Laughing Guest0
- Prague Spring0
- Leper Colony0
- Stille Nacht0
- Lisa's Separation / The Golden Age0
- Thursday Night Fever0
- And Even The Vegetables Screamed / Regression0
- Mmmmmmmmmmmmm0
- Geisha Mermaid0
- Heretic0
- Jungle0
- The Lovers (Part One)0
- Silverture0
- Flowers For The Silverman0
- The Lovers (Part Two)0
- Curious Guy0
- Premonition 160
- Third Secret0
- The Ocean Cried 'Blue Murder'0
- Fourth Secret0
- Home0
- The Maria Sessions Part 10
- The Maria Sessions Part 20
- The Maria Sessions Part 30
- The Maria Sessions Part 40
- The Warden + Touched By The Midnight Sun0
- Brighter Now + Marz Attacks + Sabres At Dawn0
- All The King's Men + The Brightest Star0
- The Brightest Star Over Bremen 20020
- Dark Entry0
- The Way I Feel Today - Version 10
- Unrest0
- Diary - 12th0
- Coming In Waves0
- It's The Real Thing - Version 10
- The Loudest You Can Do0
- The Brightest Star Over Bremen0
- Thunderland + True Love Waits0
- Atomic Roses Part 1: Of All The Girls..., What's Next?, Playschool, Sex, Closet Rings, Spiritus0
- Atomic Roses Part 2: Hauptbahnhof, The Wrong Impedance, Passing Thought, Atomic Roses #1, Ideal Home, Atomic Roses #20
- Stitching Time (1st Version)0
- Improvisation 010
- On The Boards (Long Version)0
- Improvisation 020
- Window On The World (1st Raw Version)0
- Shadow Session 10
- Shadow Session 20
- Shadow Session 30
- Shadow Session 40
- Shadow Session 50
- Shadow Session 60
- The Light In My Little Girl's Eyes (Version 2)0
- Potsdammer Spats0
- Lilith's Daughter (First Version)0
- Lisa's Party (First Version)0
- Timedance (Instrumental)0
- Nuts In May0
- Twice Around The Pot0
- Spiritus - Full Length Version0
- Our Lady In Walthamstow0
- Escape From CP0
- The Abominable Dr. K0
- The Punchline0
- Close Your Eyes, You Can Be A Space Captain (Version 2)0
- The People Tree0
- March0
- Premonition 150
- Isis Veiled0
- Chain Surfing0
- It's The Real Thing0
- Evolution Abridged0
- Intro0
- My First Zonee0
- Peace Of Mind0
- Faded Photograph0
- Rainbows Too?0
- A World With No Mirrors + Bad Hair0
- No Matter What You Do0
- Grain Kings0
- Princess Cold Heart0
- Introduction / A Crack In Melancholy Time / On Another Shore0
- Siren / Vigil-Anti / Love Puppets / Love In A Plain Brown Envelope0
- Lilith / Dance Of The China Dolls / Crumbs On The Carpet0
- 15 Flies In The Marmalade / 9 Shades To The Circle / Premonition 130
- Belladonna / Aarzklahh Olgevezh / Pruumptje Kurss / City Of Needles0
- Belladonna / Aarzhklahh Olgevezh / Pruumptje Kurss / City Of Needles0
- The Heretic0
- Mmmmmm...0
- I Am The Way The Truth The Light0
- The Plague0
- The Ocean Cried "Blue Murder"0
- Disturbance + The Safe Way0
- A Space Between + True Love0
- A Message From Our Sponsor (Extract)0
- Dissonance / Jasz / As Long As It's Purple And Green0
- Is It Something I Said?0
- Fate's Faithful Punchline0
- Abracadabra0
- 10th Shade0
- Schatten0
- Introduction / My First Zonee / Peace Of Mind0
- Faded Photograph / Rainbows Too?0
- A World With No Mirrors / Cubic Caesar / No Matter What You Do0
- Torchsong / Grain Kings0
- A World Without Mirrors / Cubic Caesar / No Matter What You Do0
- Krussoe0
- Personal Monster0
- It Doesn't Matter Anyway0
- The Equaliser0
- L'Oiseau Rare Parts 1 & 20
- The Hot Breath On Your Neck0
- The Poppy Variations Part One0
- The Poppy Variations Part Two0
- Premonition 33 + Just To Slip Away0
- Russian Roulette0
- Endless Time0
- Leap Of Faith0
- Radiation Day0
- No Star Too Far0
- Someday0
- Hauptbahnhof 20:100
- Ascension0
- Torchsong-Cubic Caesar Live0
- Seeds Of Faith0
- Shining Path / Rome0
- Kami Kai /Premonition 26 / Premonition 280
- Salem0
- Ash And Sand0
- No Time For Changes0
- The Piper0
- Premonition 400
- Ash & Sand0
- Divine Resignation Part 30
- No Time For Change0
- The Creature That Tasted Sound0
- Premonition 340
- Poor Louis0
- 29.12.110
- The Curse Of Marie Antoinette0
- Something's Burning0
- Hallucination 330
- Catwalk0
- Ballerina On A Rice Paper Leaf0
- Ghost Of A Summer To Come0
- Not Purple0
- Pink0
- Lysverket0
- Yogi Talks To Betty0
- 1001 Strings0
- The Right Setting0
- A Distant Summer0
- Dominic0
- In Sickness And In Health0
- For Sale0
- King Of A Small World0
- The Region Beyond0
- Zero 60
- Peek-A-Boo0
- The Divide0
- Sunken Pleasure / Rising Pleasure / No Walls, No Strings0
- Count Me In0
- Stigmata Part 40
- Feathers At Dawn0
- Please Don't Get Me Wrong0
- The Island Of Our Dreams0
- Bad Hair0
- The Made Man's Manifesto0
- A Silver Thread0
- Your Number Is Up0
- Th Made Man's Manifesto0
- Chemical Playschool 16 Part 10
- Chemical Playschool 16 Part 20
- Chemical Playschool 16 Part 30
- Chemical Playschool 180
- Nemesis0
- The Line In The Sand0
- Den Of Disrepute0
- Hotline0
- The Monsters Take The Fun Away0
- Because It's There0
- Spirit Of '810
- Fever Fever0
- The Abduction Of Henry0
- The Things They Do On Planet U0
- Fantastic Voyage Parts 1-30
- Pink Receptacle0
- The Only Living Doll In The Dolls' House0
- Dot To Dot Part 10
- Dot To Dot Part 20
- Dot To Dot Part 30
- The Light In My Little Girls Eyes0
- Dot To Dot Part 40
- Dot To Dot Part 50
- A Lust For Powder/MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/The Gallery0
- The Light In My Little Girls Eyes/Echo Police0
- Under Glass/Curious Guy/I Am The Way The Truth The Light/Flowers For The Silverman0
- The Dairy/Love In A Plain Brown Envelope0
- The Talent Contest / Eight Minutes To Live / Black Castles / Thursday Night Fever0
- Black List0
- Waiting For The Cloud Parts 2 & 30
- Even Now0
- Pendulum/A Star Is Born/The Garden Of Ealing0
- Pendulum0
- A Star Is Born0
- The Garden Of Ealing0
- Rainbows Too/Casting The Runes0
- Rainbows Too0
- A Stretch In Time/Salem/Ash & Sand0
- A Stretch In Time0
- Grey Scale/Poppy Day/Black List0
- Grey Scale0
- Isis Veiled/Ascension 20
- Ascension 20
- Prayer For Aradia Part 10
- Prayer For Aradia Part 20
- Outsider (aka The Heretic)0
- As If...0
- Splash0
- Submerged0
- Amphitheatre0
- Amphitheatre Shuffle0
- Before The End0
- Premonition 10
- Digital0
- Oceans Of Emotion0
- Anthem0
- Intruder0
- Premonition 20
- Love Puppets (Version 1)0
- Premonition Part 10
- Premonition Part 20
- The Light In My Little Girl's Eyes-Version0
- The Top0
- Neon Gladiators Version 10
- Obsession Version 10
- Hideous Strength/The Waiting Game/EgoTripper/Malhazka/Curse-The Sequel/She Said0
- Film Of The Book0
- Tower 1-Version 10
- Lullaby For Charles' Brother/ Collapse/Tower 2- First Version0
- Glad He Ate Her/Barbed Obituary/ Tower 3-First Version0
- Expresso Curfew/Surprise Surprise/The Bride Wore Green0
- When The Clock Strikes 130
- Just Passing Over, Lovey / Premonition 100
- Grind/Choke0
- Plasma Twins Version 10
- Apocalypse Soon/Apocalypse Gone/Cherry Lipstick/It's Raining Again0
- The Glory, The Glory Version 10
- The Light In My Little Girl's Eyes - Version 10
- Hideous Strength / The Waiting Game / Ego Tripper / Malhazka / Curse - The Sequel / She Said0
- Tower 1 - Version 10
- Lullaby For Charles' Brother / Collapse / Tower 2 - First Version0
- Glad He Ate Her / Barbed Obituary / Tower 3 - First Version0
- Expresso Curfew / Surprise Surprise / The Bride Wore Green0
- Grind / Choke0
- Apocalypse Soon / Apocalypse Gone / Cherry Lipstick / It's Raining Again0
- Introduction - City Of Needles0
- Ghosts Of Unborn Children - Stitching Time - Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....0
- Encore Une Fois - Window On The World0
- Close Your Eyes You Can Be A Space Captain0
- Hellsville - Grain Kings - Disturbance0
- Alabama Songs (Easter '85)0
- The Serviette0
- Mmmmmmmmmmmmm......0
- All About Control0
- Shades Of Sorrow / The Oxygen Tent0
- In Search Of The Golden Crest0
- They Shall Not Grow Old0
- The First World Flag0
- Beside The Seaside0
- Weekend `Parts 1-30
- Basilisk 30
- Avebury0
- Bling0
- Kami Kai / Premonition 26 / Premonition 280
- The More It Stays The Same (Live In Darmstadt 2004)0
- The Divide (Live In Darmstadt 2004)0
- Colonel Sanders/The Rising Sun/Checkpoint/Meditation0
- Quantum Leap/Love You Long Time0
- Colonel Sanders / The Rising Sun / Checkpoint / Meditation0
- Quantum Leap / Love You Long Time0
- Lent - Disturbance - Dissonance0
- Close Your Eyes You Can Be a Space Captain - Zoo - Fate's Faithful Punchline - Princess Coldheart - Pain Bubbles0
- Introduction/ On High/ Disturbance /Belladonna0
- Green Gang / Clockwise / Andromeda Suite0
- City Of Needles/ I Love You In Your Tragic Beauty / Grain Kings / Saucers Over Potsdam / Citadel0
- Brighton 10
- Brighton 20
- Brighton 30
- Kill It0
- Brighton 40
- Stitching Time0
- Brighton 50
- Defeated0
- The Brighton Star0
- Part One0
- Part Two0
- Part Three0
- Cubic Caesar0
- Choke0
- Torchsong0
- Part Four0
- White Coats & Haloes0
- Arlon Part 10
- Arlon Part 20
- Hauptbahnhof 20100
- Arlon Part 30
- Arlon Part 40
- Odd0
- Digital / Dying For The Emperor (Fragment)0
- (Untitled) 10
- Brighter Now 10
- Anthem 10
- Intruder 10
- Hanging Gardens (Version)0
- I Dream Of Jeannie0
- Shakesperian0
- Introduction / Casting The Runes / A Stitch In Time0
- Poppy Day / Rainbows Too?0
- Salem / Ash & Sand0
- Curiously Unplugged Guy0
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