Laurence Rosenthal Biografie
Laurence Rosenthal (* 4. November 1926 in Detroit, Michigan, USA) ist ein US-amerikanischer Komponist für Filmmusiken.
Laurence Rosenthal - 691 Songtexte
- Main Title0
- Friendly Neighbours0
- Visitors from the Country0
- Boniface Escapes0
- The Trapeze Waltz0
- Arrivals at the Hotel0
- The Nervous Tea Party0
- Chaos in the Corridors0
- The Police Arrive0
- Next Morning0
- Embarrasing Moments And Happy Suprises0
- The Palais Royale - End Title0
- Madame L'Ambassadrice0
- Port-au-Prince0
- "I Am The Haitian Flag"0
- At the Columbus Statue0
- The Voodoo Temple0
- Arrest at Dawn0
- The Blue Guest-Room0
- The Tontons Macoute0
- Operation Jones0
- "In The Night Watches"0
- Departures0
- Main Title "The Return Of A Man Called Horse"0
- The Massacre0
- Morgan Hunted By His Memories0
- Gifts For The Yellow Hands0
- The Sun Vow0
- The Buffalo Hunt0
- The Yellow Hands In Despair0
- Training For War0
- The Young Chief - The New Life0
- Mara's Theme / The Man From Switzerland0
- Violence In The Bell Tower0
- The Ferry On Lake Lucern0
- The Weapon And The Disguise0
- Reminiscing0
- Setting The Stage0
- The "Accident"0
- The Last Of Webber / End Title (Mara's Theme)0
- Main Title And King Henry's Arrival At Canterbury Cathedral0
- Days Of Youth0
- The Hunt0
- Gwendolen0
- Triumph In France0
- Consecration At Canterbury0
- Trial And Escape To The Court Of King Louis0
- The Meeting On The Beach0
- Becket's Martyrdom0
- End Title0
- Challenger Two0
- The Meteor0
- Siberia0
- The Russians Arrive0
- Dubov's Rage0
- Malfunction0
- Realigning Peter The Great0
- Manhattan Splinter0
- Alpine Innocence0
- The Long Wait0
- Countdown0
- Realigning Hercules0
- The Assault0
- Meteor Fanfare And March0
- End Credits0
- Prologue And Main Title0
- The Lovers0
- Boyhood Of Perseus0
- Dreams And Omens0
- Joppa0
- Pegasus0
- The Lord Of The Marsh0
- The Kraken0
- The Farewell0
- Medusa0
- Bubo And The Dive-Bomber0
- Clash Of The Titans0
- Andromeda Rescued0
- The Constellations - End Title0
- The Constellations — End Title0
- Main Title (Part 1)0
- The Ballroom0
- To Siberia0
- The Sled; Ekaterinburg0
- Family Only; The Cellar0
- Berlin Bridge0
- Confronting Sophie0
- After The Interview0
- The Railroad Car0
- Main Title (Part 2) Faces From The Past0
- The Denial0
- Shopping Spree0
- The Romanoffs0
- At The Astor0
- Russian Antiques0
- Darya Says No0
- The Luncheonette0
- Back To Europe0
- Anna And Erich0
- Cathedral0
- Alexander0
- The Tartars0
- Two Living Tsars / Coronation Of Ivan And Peter0
- His First Sail / The Foreign Colony0
- Eudoxia0
- Peter's Wedding0
- Tsar And Tsaritsa0
- The New Tsarevich0
- The Death Of Natalya / The Slap0
- The Great Embassy0
- Gopak0
- Alexis And Danilo0
- Battle Of Poltava0
- Sophia And Alexis Ordeal / Martydom0
- Requiem0
- Peter's Theme - End Credits0
- The Cellar0
- The French Children0
- Fishing Village0
- Arrival In Zurich0
- Incident At The Bank0
- Jason And Marie0
- The Red Door0
- Discovery0
- Chernak Aead0
- Valois Bank0
- Wild Goose Chase0
- Carlos As Confessor0
- The Trocadero0
- Treadstone 710
- Abbott0
- Epilogue0
- Main Title (Album Version)0
- Remembering Verdun0
- Race To The Front0
- The Retreat0
- Visiting Remy0
- Aerial Pursuit0
- Nocturnal Mission0
- An American Thanksgiving - A Chinese Adventure0
- Indy Is Ill0
- The Long Night Of Dr. Wen Ch-iu0
- West Meets East0
- Arrival In Paris0
- Afternoon Tea0
- Breakfast With Mata0
- Mozart: Viola Quintet In G Minor0
- Parisian Stroll0
- Still Life0
- L'Affaire D'Amour0
- Lover's Farewell0
- Boulevards Of Barcelona0
- Picasso And Diaghilev0
- The Dressing Room0
- The Contessa0
- Ballerina In Bondage0
- Lead For Breakfast0
- Main Title (Alternate Version)0
- Indy And The Princess0
- Skating In The Prater0
- The Poetry Lesson0
- Outfoxing The Fox0
- Sophie's Chamber0
- Desert Treck0
- Morning0
- Desert Storm0
- Arrival At Port Gentil/Death Of Bartelomy0
- Albert Schweitzer, Prisoner Of War0
- Schweitzer Says Goodbye0
- Oxford0
- Countryside Courtship0
- Zeppelin Attack/Meeting Vicky0
- War Of Words0
- Suffragette Meeting0
- Celtic Love0
- Proposal/Reunion0
- African Port0
- Two New Friends0
- Meto0
- The Masai Elders0
- Talking With Teddy0
- Discovery Of The Onyx/Sacrifice0
- Prologue: Helen Alone0
- Annie's Train Ride0
- Contact Of Hands0
- The Mischief-Maker0
- Helen's Mother0
- The Garden House0
- Annie's Bad Dream Of Her Own Childhood0
- The Lullaby0
- Teaching0
- "Reach, Reach!"0
- Captain Keller Consoles0
- The Miracle At The Pump0
- Epilogue: Helen With Her Teacher0
- Prologue: The Revolt0
- Puerto De Mexico0
- The Lieutenant0
- Brigida0
- All The Hope In The World0
- The Power And The Glory0
- The Execution Of The Priest / Epilogue0
- The Starry Worlds / The Meteor0
- Contingent From Moscow0
- Siberia: Shower Of Death0
- The Russians In Action0
- Flight / "Peter The Great" / "Hercules"0
- The Final Assault / Return To Space0
- Prologue: Welcome To Haiti0
- The Great Plains0
- Morgan Haunted By His Memories0
- Driving With Daddy0
- Diary Of A Winner0
- Before The Race / Shirley On Fire0
- Follow Me0
- Night Threats0
- Prologue / Arrival Of The King At Canterbury0
- Becket's Martyrdom / Epilogue0
- Moderato Con Buon Umore Ma Un Poco Malinconico0
- Allegro Affrettato Con Sentimento Ironico Ma Non Troppo Serio0
- Intermezzo Con Scarpa Morbida (Soft Shoe)0
- Allegretto Matrimoniale / Can-Can Con Complicazioni0
- Mara0
- Seduction On The Stairs0
- The Jungle0
- Rapture0
- Alarms And Terrors0
- The Humanimals0
- The End Of Dr. Moreau0
- The Family / Travis0
- Mama0
- Asagai0
- Blue0
- The New House0
- Condemned To The Sea / Through The Clouds To Olympus0
- Welcome to Ireland0
- Maggie0
- Fight in the Bakery0
- The Uprising0
- A Terrible Beauty0
- Welcome to Africa0
- The Wrong Way Train0
- Veldt Voyage0
- The 21st Royal Fusileers0
- The Old and the Bold0
- Tally Ho0
- Chasing the Phantom Train0
- The Phantom Train of Doom0
- The Caper Continues0
- The Native Battle0
- Indy Hijacks The Balloon0
- Romantic Adventures0
- Love and War0
- Deserters0
- Spaghetti0
- The Bridal Gown0
- Arriverderci Indy0
- Roman Dawn - The Path To Glory0
- Claretta0
- Matteotti's Death0
- The Family0
- The Squadristi0
- Ciano And Edda0
- Rachele0
- Riots0
- The Farmhouse / Milan0
- On The Street0
- On The Inside0
- Prologue: The Discovery0
- Love And Fear0
- The Phone Voice0
- Eplogue: Aftershock0
- Prelude: Singapore0
- Sultry Afternoon0
- Space-Out0
- Home Movies0
- Prelude: To America!0
- Art And Love0
- The Old And The New0
- Party On Park Avenue0
- Echoes Of The Shtetl0
- Eretz Yisrael0
- The Kibbutz0
- Homeland0
- Anna's Happiness0
- The Kid0
- Celsa0
- Pat Garrett And Billy0
- The Saloon0
- Cattle Rustling0
- The Rattlesnake0
- The Death Of Billy The Kid0
- The Man In The Back Seat0
- Forest T'Ai Chi0
- The Brotherhood0
- Prologue: The Russian Giant0
- Two Living Tsars0
- Anastasia And Alexis / The Bolsheviks / Death In A Siberian Cellar0
- Faces From The Past0
- Nobles Romping, Peasants Stomping0
- Catherine's First Love0
- Young Indy0
- Ireland 1916: The Fight In The Bakery/The Voice Of Ireland0
- Peking 1910: The Long Night Of Dr. Wen-Chu0
- Prague 1917: The Amazing Flight Of The Filing Cabinet0
- Travels With Father: Tolstoy Among The People0
- The Hollywood Follies: Broadway To Hollywood0
- Mr. S.L.C.0
- Main Title Meteor0
- The Meteor #10
- Peter The Great0
- Countdown; Manhattan Splinter0
- The Meteor #20
- The Island0
- Maria & Friend0
- On The Beach0
- M'Ling0
- Forest Murmurs0
- Dr. Moreau's Zoo0
- The Bear-Man0
- In The Garden0
- The Dead Tiger0
- To The House Of Pain0
- The Funeral Pyre0
- Involution0
- Braddock's Cage0
- Moreau's Death0
- The Holocaust0
- Moreau - End Title0
- End Credit0
- Billy The Kid0
- Tunstall's Death0
- Billy's Revenge0
- Pat And Billy0
- Billy Returns0
- Fatal Fire0
- Bringing In Billy0
- Billy Escapes0
- Judas0
- Premonition0
- The Last Kiss0
- The Legend0
- Port Au Prince0
- The Tonton Macoute0
- In the Night Watches0
- Main theme0
- A Chaffeur´s Life0
- Nothing But Dreams0
- In My Mother´s House / 10 000$0
- Drinking Again0
- Looking For Identity0
- Home To Africa0
- A Disgrace0
- African Heritage0
- Want A Drink, Mama?0
- Look After The Money0
- Dancing Tje Blues0
- The Money is Gone0
- New Hope0
- Home To Milan0
- Villa Torlonia0
- Barone Russo0
- His New Office / The Squadristi0
- Matteotti Murdered0
- In The Mirror0
- Assassination Attempt / The Caesars0
- Tree Climbing0
- Edda Rebels / Astia Road0
- Edda's Boyfriend0
- Music In The Park0
- Bicycles0
- The Betrothal0
- Edda's Fear / Sharing Secrets0
- Off To Capri / Bruno & Papa0
- Veteran's Day Fanfare / Veteran's Day Fanfare0
- The Red Roadster0
- Training Montage0
- Dockside Band0
- Flower Shower / Bruno & Gina0
- Chat By The Window0
- At The Opera0
- Benito & Claretta0
- Bruno Crashes0
- Bruno's Funeral0
- End Credits: Shows 1 & 20
- Il Duce / Bruno's Baby0
- Welcome To Berlin0
- Royal Palace0
- Rachele Weeps0
- FDR Speaks0
- Edda Embarks0
- Claretta's Villa / Edda Returns0
- Field Of The Dead0
- Vittorio & Mama / Bombs At Night0
- Bonfires0
- Family Farewell0
- Lion's Den0
- Operation Rescue0
- Return To Italy0
- Glass Of Water0
- Blood For Blood0
- The Last Embrace0
- Firing Squad0
- Edda & The Children0
- The Refuge0
- "It's Over, Piccola"0
- Rachele's Grief0
- Benito's Letter0
- Claretta Returns0
- Last Supper / Milan0
- Suite Part 10
- Suite Part 20
- Suite Part 30
- Bumpers0
- The Collectors0
- Capture0
- The Innocent0
- Man Out Of Time0
- Half Life0
- Fear Factor0
- Futurepast0
- Night Visitors0
- Jack Loses0
- The Wedding0
- Fonda Raceway / Shirley's First Win0
- Off To Detroit0
- Winning0
- Three Signatures / New Track Record0
- Connie0
- Fork In The Road0
- The Wrecked Car / Connie Crashes0
- In The Phone Booth0
- A Driver Prepares / Shirley In Flames0
- Shirley's Back0
- Raceway Montage0
- The Awards0
- Merry Christmas, Jack0
- The Garage0
- Burn-Out / World Champion0
- End Credits (Orchestra / Back-Up Vocal)0
- Mohawk River0
- Lounge Lizard0
- Hoyt's Funeral0
- End Credits (Orchestra Accompaniment Only)0
- Willy Nilly0
- The One I Love0
- Lara Arrives0
- You Looked For Me0
- Driving Lessons0
- Bad Bank News0
- Wise Aborigine0
- The Dingo0
- The Cave Painting0
- The Fire0
- Digging Up The Coin0
- The Hatchet0
- Finding Collins0
- The Palms0
- Dad's Home0
- Death Of Thunderwith0
- Melting0
- Meteor Main Title0
- Challenger 20
- The Meteor #1 / The Meteor #2 / 30,000 Mph0
- The Meteor #30
- Dubov's Rage0
- Prepare For Realigning Peter The Great0
- Realigning Peter The Great / Realigning Hercules0
- Alpine Innocence / Paul And Tatiana0
- Hercules Rising / Malfunction / Trapped / One Rocket Lost0
- Assault And Impact0
- Meteor Band March / Meteor End Credits0
- To Heal A Nation0
- Reconnect0
- Five Dollars0
- The Trio0
- To The Capitol0
- An Ivory Moment0
- Hope No Mistake0
- Jan And Becky0
- Fund Raising0
- The Compromise0
- Military Tattoo0
- The Names0
- You Cut And Run0
- Winoon Gets It0
- C.J. Is Home0
- The Round-Up0
- Charlie Falls0
- Charlie Sr. And Rene0
- Busting The Bronco0
- Handcuffs0
- Dirge0
- Proud Men0
- Charmian's Villa0
- The Voyage Home0
- Hicks Accepts0
- The Pills0
- Operation Smack0
- Dark Forces0
- I Ching0
- Doing Up0
- Hick's Rage0
- The Mountain0
- Nothing But Class0
- The Rainway Track0
- Semper Fi0
- Bel Air Mansion0
- Main Title / The Jungle0
- Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor’s Study0
- On The Beach / More Questions0
- Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau’s Zoo / Moreau Explains0
- Maria And Andrew0
- Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger0
- To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre0
- Braddock’s Cage / The Humanimals0
- Moreau’s Death0
- Man And Beast0
- The Real Maria / End Credits0
- Jungle Pursuit0
- To The House Of Pain (Alternate Version)0
- Bad Deal0
- First Date0
- Night Cap / Questionable Judgement0
- Things Are Looking Up0
- The Soft Side0
- Main Title / The Chauffeur0
- Memories Of Big Walter / In My House There Is Still God0
- Kitty Kat Club0
- Meet Joseph Asagai / Asagai Departs0
- $10,000.00 Check0
- Stand Up, Walter Lee0
- Flaming Spear0
- How Bad Things Are / She Bought You A House0
- Hurt And Pain / You Be The Head Of This Family0
- The Phonograph0
- The Welcoming Committee0
- Packing / Willie Is Gone!0
- Invitation To Nigeria / On His Knees0
- He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale)0
- Olympus [Chorus]0
- Argos Is Doomed0
- Argos Destroyed0
- Zeus's Judgment [Chorus]0
- Transformation Of Calibos0
- Zeus Commands The Gifts [Chorus]0
- Magic Weapons0
- Fulfill Your Destiny [Chorus]0
- Invisible/Joppa0
- Andromeda0
- Pegasus/To The Marsh0
- The Fight In The Swamp/Fanfare0
- Curse Ended/The Dancing Girl0
- Justice Or Revenge/The Lovers0
- The Head Of Thetis/Pegasus In The Net0
- "We Follow The North Star"0
- "It Is My Wish" [Chorus]0
- Bubo Arrives/The Quest0
- The River Styx0
- Medusa Temple/Two Headed Dog0
- The Magic Sword0
- Bubo The Dive-Bomber0
- Andromeda Shackled0
- Clash Of The Titans/Andromeda Rescued0
- The Constellations – End Title0
- Prologue And Main Title (LP Version)0
- Zeus’s Judgment [Chorus] (Unused Alternate Version)0
- No Mercy [Chorus] (Unused)0
- Joppa (Original Version)0
- The Quest (Alternate Version)0
- Procession Drums0
- The Constellations – End Title (LP Version)0
- Overture0
- Lord Thomas Fairfax0
- The Fox Hunt0
- Survey Montage0
- George Meets Sally0
- Sally And Martha0
- The French Ambassador0
- Goodbye To Sally0
- In The Stable0
- George's Fury0
- Fort Duquesne0
- No Discipline0
- Patsy's Seizure0
- The Fan Remembered0
- Patsy Dies0
- Under The Willow Tree0
- George Accepts0
- George Washington - Main Title0
- The Officer’s Arrive0
- Looting0
- Chasing The Carriage0
- "I'm Benedict Arnold"0
- The Embattled ("Bunker Hill")0
- Raising The Flag0
- Night Crossing0
- The Battle Of Monmouth0
- The Declaration Of Independence ("Chester")0
- Crossing The Delaware0
- Marquis De Lafayette0
- Martha At Valley Forge0
- Boots0
- General Rochambeau0
- Treason0
- Before Yorktown0
- Battle Of Yorktown0
- Washington's Triumph0
- Going Home (End Credits)0
- Main Title: Helen Alone0
- The Train0
- Hands0
- Doll And Ladder0
- She Folded Her Napkin0
- To The Garden House0
- Nightmare0
- Lullaby0
- Let Her Come0
- Come To Supper0
- The Miracle0
- Epilogue: Helen And Annie0
- Munich Main Title0
- First Death0
- Schreiber0
- The Hostages No. 10
- The Terrorists0
- Spitzer0
- The Photographs0
- The Tunnel0
- Anneliese Curtain0
- Munich0
- God Be With You0
- Under The Wing0
- Holocaust0
- Munich End Credits0
- Disco Source0
- Hotel Paradiso:Main Title0
- Friendly Neighbors0
- Embarrassing Moments and Happy Surprises0
- The Palais Royale & End Title0
- The Comedians:Main Title0
- Madame l'Ambassadrice0
- I Am the Haitian Flag0
- Mara’s Theme / The Man From Switzerland0
- The Ferry On Lake Lucerne0
- The “Accident”0
- The Last Of Webber / End Title (Mara’s Theme)0
- Morgan Haunted By His Memories (Original LP Version)0
- Vanished0
- Gryce0
- The Gifts0
- Buffalo Spirit Gone0
- The Hilltop0
- Denial0
- Elk Woman0
- The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision The Sun Dance (Original LP Version)0
- Portents0
- Raven's Sacrifice0
- The Benediction0
- Captured Rik0
- The Riks Routed0
- Battle At The Fort0
- Death Of The Chief0
- The Massacre (Original LP Version)0
- The Sweat Lodge0
- The Knife0
- Thin Dog0
- The Braves0
- Training For War (Original LP Version)0
- The Braves (Alternate)0
- The Benediction (Original Version)0
- Religion Prologue (Alternate)0
- Brady Will Prosecute0
- Rev. Brown Prays0
- Drummond Arrives0
- Rev. Brown’s Sermon0
- Golden Dancer0
- The Stebbins Boy0
- Rachel Breaks Down0
- Stebbins Posts Bond0
- Bible On Bed0
- Brady On The Stand0
- Come Sit With Us0
- Brady’s Death0
- Drummond Departs0
- Summer Days0
- Prologue And Main Title [Original Version]0
- Transformation Of Calibos [As Calibos Suffers]0
- Magic Weapons [By The Gods]0
- River Styx0
- Medusa Temple/Two-Headed Dog0
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