Kalafina - Oblivious Songtext
Oblivious Songtext
To be honest, since I knew I could fly
I was so frightened of the time of flapping my wings
That I'd forgotten the wind Oblivious
Where are we going
A mirage in the distance
Someday, though still fearful
Reflects an image of the future for the two of us When two hearts with nowhere to go nestle close
Real sadness spreads its wings
In the night
As if dreaming of midday shadows
We'll surely drop into
The light
One day, the two of us
Night, morning, noon, stars, dreams
Summer, winter, time, wind
Water, earth, sky
We go further in the destiny ...
Won't you stay close
See, a quiet love is about to begin
One day, trembling
We'll go into our future
Where are we going
Escaping far away into the water
In such a beautiful voice
It sings of our future
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