Jason Mraz

What we want Songtext / Lyric

Jason Mraz - What we want Songtext

IÕm older than I look I see the man staring at my i.d.

He reads my face and studies lines no plagiarizing

No copyright. IÕm right before your very eyes

When you say my name IÕm suddenly IÕm young again

Young as he thinks I am.

All the words that I hoped youÕd say were stated right there in the cafŽ

We stayed out late and spoke of the worlds perfections

This perfect date was headed in the right direction

Conversation break, we spoke more in the silence

We got a little lot of what we want

What we want.

IÕm so in love finally.

I waited patiently for all of my life.

It happened overnight.

We spoke more in the silence

We got a little lot of what we want.

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