Jan Slabák Se Svým Orchestrem Moravanka Biografie
Jan Slabák Se Svým Orchestrem Moravanka - 22 Songtexte
- Slavnostní Fanfára (Festive Fanfare)0
- Štědrej Večer Nastal (Christmas Eve Has Come) / Poslechněte Mne Málo (Give Me Some Attention)0
- Dítě Se Nám Narodilo (A Child Has Been Born Unto Us)0
- Gigue0
- Ej, Panenka (Hey, Girl)0
- Gajdujte, Gajdičky (A Violin's Made To Be Played)0
- Intráda Č. IX (Intrada No. 9)0
- Co To Ten Slavíček (The Nightingale)0
- Hopsa, Bratrové! (Step Out, Brethren!)0
- Co Se Stalo Nenadále (Unexpected Event)0
- Sonatina Č. 2 (Sonatina No. 2)0
- Intráda Č. 71 (Intrada No. 71)0
- Nesem Vám Noviny (Listen To The News We Bring)0
- Stojí Vrba Košatá (A Wide Spreading Willow Tree)0
- Copak Je To Nového (What Is The News)0
- Sarabanda (Saraband)0
- Vondráši - Matóši / Poď, Ježiško Na Salaš = Andrew, Matthew / Come To The Shepherd Hut, Baby Jesus)0
- Chtíc Aby Spal (Putting Him To Sleep)0
- Pásli Ovce Valaši (Highland Shepherds Were Out With Their Sheep)0
- Ejhle, Chasa Naša (This Is What Our Boys Are Like)0
- Gloria0
- Vondráši - Matóši / Poď, Ježiško Na Salaš (Andrew, Matthew / Come To The Shepherd Hut, Baby Jesus)0
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