Jan A.P. Kaczmarek Biografie
Jan Andrzej Paweł Kaczmarek (* 29. April 1953 in Konin) ist ein polnischer Komponist.
Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - 280 Songtexte
- Czekając Na Kometę Halleya0
- Warkocz0
- Spadanie0
- Brzeg0
- Polonez0
- Washington Square0
- Catherine In The Window0
- Catherine And Morris - Tu Chiami Una Vita0
- First Kiss0
- 'That Must Be Love'0
- Lavinia0
- 'No' To Morris0
- 'No' To Catherine0
- Catherine And The Mirror0
- Catherine's Nocturne0
- Romance Quartet0
- Please Wait For Me0
- L'Absence0
- Lavinia And Morris0
- The Alps0
- Reunion0
- Unfinished Nocturne0
- Despair0
- Lullaby0
- Father Is Dying0
- The Tale Of The String0
- Please Don't Come Here Again: Tu Chiami Una Vita0
- The End Credits0
- L'Absence Again0
- Interrupted Dream - Opening Titles0
- Bystrica At War0
- First Prayer0
- Frank & Roxanne0
- Before Your Eyes0
- Prayer At The Lake0
- Falcone0
- Domine Jesu0
- Call From Bystrica0
- Helen O'Reagan0
- They Call You A Miracle Killer0
- Meeting Maria0
- Ordinary Woman0
- Maria In The Hospital0
- I Wanted It To Be True0
- The Confession0
- Unfinished Love Story0
- Farewell0
- Memories From The Lake0
- The Bleeding Statue0
- The Third Miracle0
- Lost Souls0
- Father Lareau Arrives0
- Exorcismus0
- Maya's Lullaby0
- Who Is Peter Kelson?0
- Bedford Church Choir0
- Walking Into The Unknown0
- Violent Variation On Maya's Theme0
- Breaking The Code0
- Maya Meets Peter0
- Birdson's Eyes Open0
- Peter Is Lonely And Afraid0
- Driving To Confront Maya0
- "You Are That Man, Peter"0
- What's Behind The Pictures?0
- Xes - Is There Hope?0
- Haunted House Of Father John0
- The Pentacle0
- The Bridge0
- Father Lareaux Possessed0
- The Last Exorcism0
- Satan's Church0
- Last Ride0
- Maya0
- Lost Souls - End Credits0
- Postscriptum0
- Collosseum0
- Pierwsze Spotkanie0
- Przeznaczenie0
- Błogosławiony Jesteś0
- Uczta Nerona0
- Ligia I Winicjusz0
- Pokój Prześladowanym (Lament)0
- Orgia0
- Ostrianum0
- Miłość I Umieranie (Medytacja)0
- Taniec Chilona0
- Vae Misere Mihi0
- Rzym Plonie0
- Tobie Ufam0
- Ligia Uratowana0
- Przemoc0
- Śmierć Nerona0
- "Wracam Do Rzymu"0
- "Dove Vai"0
- Co Ma Przeminąć To Przeminie0
- "Powoli, Spokojnie"0
- "Dove Vai" Reprise0
- Where Is Mr. Barrie?0
- The Park0
- Dancing With The Bear0
- The Kite0
- The Chess0
- Neverland - Piano Variation In Blue0
- The Spoon On The Nose0
- The Pirates0
- The Marriage0
- Children Arrive0
- Drive To The Cottage0
- The Peter Pan Overture0
- Peter0
- The Park On Piano0
- The Stairs0
- Impossible Opening0
- The Rehearsal0
- Neverland - Minor Piano Variation0
- The Play And The Flight0
- This Is Neverland0
- Why Does She Have To Die?0
- Another Bear0
- Forgotten Overture0
- Preludium Miłosne0
- Jan0
- Jak Mam Cię Kochać0
- Klasztor0
- Ogród Warzywny0
- Spotkanie0
- Życie Zakonu0
- Śmierć Mentora0
- Co Na Rozstajach0
- Ogień I Ucieczka0
- Jan I Marta0
- Niemożliwa Miłość0
- Kto Nigdy Nie Żył0
- Epilog0
- Opening Titles0
- Time After Time0
- Anne Arrives0
- Pretend0
- I've Got The World On A String0
- Gee Baby Ain't I Good To You0
- Before The Wedding0
- Anne And Harris In Love0
- You're My Thrill0
- Memories Of The Evening0
- The Dream Continues0
- Stairway To The Stars0
- Remembering Buddy0
- Stella By Starlight0
- Evening0
- War & Peace0
- The Promise Of Things To Come0
- Daily Life0
- Napoleon Is Coming0
- Rostovs0
- Andrey And Liza0
- Austerlitz0
- Andrey And Natasha In Love0
- The Grand Ball0
- Bezuhov0
- Death0
- Nicolay At War0
- Sonya And Natasha0
- Masha Bolkonsky0
- Borodino0
- Karugins0
- Memories Of Liza0
- Pierre Goes To Borodino0
- Rostovs Return To Moscow0
- Napoleon Is Leaving Russia0
- Russian Victory0
- Natasha And Pierre0
- Nadchodzą Święta / Christmas Is Coming0
- Warszawa / Warsaw0
- Patrząc Przez Okno / Looking Through The Window0
- Spotkanie Z Hanią / Meeting Hania0
- Kacper / Kacper0
- Frascati / Frascati0
- Ojciec / Father0
- Hania Jest Piękna / Hania Is Beautiful0
- Pierwsza Gwiazda / The First Star0
- Szpital / The Hospital0
- Wszyscy Wszystkim / Christmas Wishes0
- To Moje Najlepsze Święta / This Is My Best Christmas0
- Wróbel / Sparrow0
- Rozmowa Z Ojcem / Conversation With Father0
- Patrząc W Przyszłość / Looking Forward0
- Warszawa W Śniegu / Warsaw In Snow0
- Nauka Latania / Flying Lesson0
- Puste Łóżko / Empty Bed0
- The Visitor Overture0
- Walter's Etude No.10
- Walter The Professor0
- Walter Drives Through New York0
- Meeting Mouna0
- Trip To The Detention Center0
- Tarek Arrested0
- Walter Plays Half Of His Etude No.1 (Piano Solo)0
- Evning With Mouna0
- Waiting For Tarek0
- Looking At The Liberty Statue0
- The Loneliness0
- The Systems Says No0
- Walter And Mouna Together0
- Walter Feels Alive Again0
- Back To The Detention Center0
- Walter Plays Etude No.2 With Almost No Mistakes0
- Je'Nwi Teni (Don't Gag Me)0
- The Fire0
- Felix Has A Drum0
- Felix And Mattie In The Forest0
- You Can't Buy Forgiveness0
- Drive To Town0
- Buddy Leaves Felix0
- What Did He Do0
- Felix Confesses His Love0
- Buddy Gets Nervous0
- The Box Is In The Barn0
- Forgive Me0
- Time To Move On0
- The Mystery Of Felix0
- Felix Has A Dream0
- Felix Bush Beats Stone Thrower0
- No Haircut0
- What Did He Do?0
- North0
- Memories0
- Frank Meets The Pastor0
- Japan0
- New Home0
- The Foot0
- Dance Rehersal0
- Storm And The Rescue0
- The Second Dance0
- Under The Fence0
- Treats From Cate0
- Parker's Dance Played On Piano0
- Parker & Hachi Walk To The Station0
- Baby0
- Marriage Bath0
- Fetch0
- To Train Together0
- Packing Boxes0
- Parker & Hachi0
- Hachiko Runs Away0
- Memory Of The Storm0
- Hachi - Waiting For Parker Again0
- Hachi's - Last Trip To The Station0
- Goodbye0
- Hachi, Parker & Cate - Memories0
- Leonie Introduction0
- Leonie Main Title0
- Isamu's Birth0
- Sapporo Park0
- Romance0
- Editing Begins0
- Yone's Mad0
- Leonie Leaves New York0
- Yone's Letter0
- Meet The Students0
- Leonie Moves Out0
- Umeko's School0
- Leonie Says "Farwell"0
- Isamu Builds A Home0
- Isamu Leaves Japan0
- Isamu Artistry Montage0
- Cherry Blossoms0
- Isamu's Exhibit0
- Leonie's Death0
- Leonie Main On Ends0
- Passchendaele0
- The Attack0
- Separation0
- Little Town0
- Pain0
- There Is A River ...0
- Frontline Moves 100 Yards0
- The Cross0
- No Solution0
- The War0
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