Where is the hoard-sharer? Where is the house of feast? Where is the hall's uproar? Infos
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Gesamte Laufzeit: 98:09 Minuten
Where is the hoard-sharer? Where is the house of feast? Where is the hall's uproar? Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
Urging the whale-path, irresistibly urging my heart to the lakes of the sea
Laufzeit: 05:41
- 2
Amplified Afternoon / All the kinds of static, all the kinds of field
Laufzeit: 02:12
- 3
Amplified Afternoon / Red berries among barren branches
Laufzeit: 04:56
- 4
Amplified Afternoon / Searching for certainty between sub-atomic particles and window sills
Laufzeit: 11:06
- 5
Amplified Afternoon / Unrelenting night
Laufzeit: 24:56
- 6
Radiophonic Nightmares / The hell being you must be
Laufzeit: 23:14
- 7
Radiophonic Nightmares / Flowers, and tall-stalked grasses
Laufzeit: 08:33
- 8
Radiophonic Nightmares / God is a despot
Laufzeit: 07:25
- 9
Radiophonic Nightmares / Making the flags hang wet
Laufzeit: 05:19
- 10
The river darkens on an autumn night and the waves subside as if to sleep...
Laufzeit: 04:47