J Church

Open Road Songtext / Lyric

J Church - Open Road Songtext

As I ride this lonesome highway

The desert wind across my face

My mind it slowly wanders

to another time another place

When the world was so much younger

With no reasons to hold back

And we were'nt so afraid of losing

All the things we'd never had

*Those day's are gone forever

Time to kiss the past goodbye

Meet me out tonight on the open road

And baby we belong together

And if I had you by my side

Meet me out tonight on the open road

You had a dream you once beleived in

That burned inside you like a fire

And that big wheel kept on turnin

Somehow that dream it passed you by

Now that fire just keeps on burning

Leaves only hunger and desire

Gotta find yourself a new dream

And just leave the rest behind


Somewhere over the horizon

Where the darkness meets the light

We'll marry all our dreams together

Out on this open road tonight


Baby we belong together

Time to kiss the past goodbye

Meet me out tonight on the open road

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