Ivor Cutler Biografie
Ivor Cutler (* 15. Januar 1923 in Glasgow; † 3. März 2006 in London[1]) war ein britischer Dichter, Songwriter und Komiker. Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine regelmäßigen Auftritte im Radioprogramm der BBC, durch zahlreiche Aufnahmesessions für John Peels einflussreiche Radiosendung sowie später für die Sendungen von Andy Kershaw. Er wirkte 1967 im Beatles-Film Magical Mystery Tour und 1981 in Neil Innes’ Fernsehserie The Innes Book of Records mit. Cutler schrieb Bücher für Kinder und Erwachsene, lehrte an A. S. Neills Demokratischer Schule in Summerhill sowie 30 Jahre an innerstädtischen Schulen in London.
Ivor Cutler - 296 Songtexte
- Solo On Mbira (Bikembe) In 5:3 Time0
- Dad's Lapse0
- I Worn My Elbows0
- Hair Grips0
- I Believe In Bugs0
- Fremsley0
- Goozeberries And Bilberries0
- Time0
- I'm Walking To A Farm0
- The Railway Sleepers0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 Ep.I0
- Three Sisters0
- Baby Sits0
- Not Big Enough0
- A Barrel Of Nails0
- Men0
- Trouble Trouble0
- I Love You0
- Vein Girl0
- Fine Wise Saws0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room0
- The Painful League0
- Piano Tuner Song 2000AD0
- Self Knowledge0
- An Old Oak Tree0
- The Aimless Dawnrunner0
- Face Like A Lemon0
- A Bird0
- A Hole In My Toe0
- My Mother Has Two Red Lips0
- I Like Sitting0
- The Forgetful Fowl0
- If Everybody0
- For Sixpence0
- I Used To Lie In Bed0
- If All The Cornflakes0
- My Sock0
- When I Entered0
- Two Balls0
- Miss Velvetlips0
- Lean0
- Fur Coats0
- The Darkness0
- A Beautiful Woman0
- Making Tidy0
- Bicarbonate Of Chicken0
- Filcombe Cottage, Dorset0
- Squeeze Bees0
- The Turn0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 Ep.II0
- A Linnet0
- Jumping And Pecking0
- The Other Half0
- Beautiful Cosmos0
- The Path0
- Barabadabada0
- Big Jim0
- In The Chestnut Tree0
- Dust0
- Rubber Toy0
- Fistyman0
- Unexpected Join0
- A Wooden Tree0
- When I Stand On An Open Cart0
- High Is The Wind0
- The Surly Buddy0
- Pearly - Winged Fly0
- Garden Path At Filcombe0
- Paddington Town0
- Cage Of Small Birds0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 Ep.60
- Irk0
- Lemon Flower0
- Red Admiral0
- Everybody Got0
- The Wasted Call0
- Episode 20
- Episode 30
- Episode 90
- Jungle Tip - Owl0
- Episode 10
- Episode 110
- Jungle Tip - Lion0
- Episode 50
- Episode 140
- Episode 70
- Episode 120
- Jungle Tip - Leopard0
- Episode 80
- Episode 60
- Episode 40
- Jungle Tip - Boa0
- Episode 130
- Episode 00
- Sit Down0
- Use A Brick0
- Home Is The Sailor0
- For Practice0
- A Doughnut In My Hand0
- Fair's Fair0
- Killer Bee (Jungle Tip)0
- Whale Badge0
- Blue Bear0
- Creamy Pumpkins0
- Counting Song0
- My Darling0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room Vol.2 (Episode 15)0
- Mostly Tins0
- Tomato Brain0
- Bad Eye0
- Silent "S"0
- Halfway Through0
- Look At The Moon0
- Old Black Dog0
- The Gathering Doubt0
- Pussy On The Mat0
- Large & Puffy0
- People Run To The Edge0
- Country Door0
- Piranhas (Jungle Tip)0
- Brenda0
- I Love You But I Don't Know What I Mean0
- Breathing Regularly0
- Life In A Scotch Sitting Room Vol.2 (Episode 16)0
- Full Of Goods0
- Ok, I'll Count To 80
- Secret Drinker0
- Pass The Ball Jim (For John Peel)0
- Over You Go0
- Step It Out Lively, Boys0
- Uncut Moquette0
- Women Of The World0
- I'm Happy (Song)0
- Gruts For Tea0
- A Red Flower0
- Shoplifters (Song)0
- How To Make A Friend0
- Fish Fright0
- Darling, Will You Marry Me Twice (Song)0
- Scratch My Back0
- Egg Meat0
- Mud (Song)0
- Old Cups Of Tea0
- The Judge's Parcel0
- I Had A Little Boat (Song)0
- The Hoorgi House0
- A Steady Job0
- In My Room There Sits A Box (Song)0
- The Dirty Dinner0
- Silence0
- Ivor Cutler And... The Mermaid0
- Ivor Cutler And... The Mole0
- Ivor Cutler And A Barber0
- Ivor Cutler And The Paperseller0
- Ivor Cutler And A Storeman0
- Ivor Cutler And... A Princess0
- A Miner Is Approached By Ivor Cutler0
- Ivor Cutler And... His Dad0
- A Sheet Metal Worker Is Approached By Ivor Cutler0
- Ivor Cutler And A Small Holder0
- Prince Ivor0
- Her Tissues0
- An American Drink0
- One Day0
- Out Of Decency0
- My Disposition0
- No. I Won't0
- It's Stupid0
- By The Bush0
- The Thatcher Generation0
- My Vest0
- Goosie0
- When It Wants0
- Her Zimmer0
- The Farmer's Wife0
- Bets0
- Just In Time0
- The Specific Sundry0
- Just Listen0
- The Breaking Point0
- Spring Back0
- Hell0
- A Man0
- The Place0
- Hello Explorer!0
- Not Asking0
- His Slow Hand0
- Local Creatures0
- Heptagon0
- Where's My Razor?0
- One Side0
- Singing To My Foot0
- Ride Off0
- A Great Albatross0
- Half & Half0
- Get Off The Road0
- A Fine Example0
- Faces Of People0
- Stand Well Clear0
- Naughty Sydney0
- Perverse0
- The Bargain0
- Space Sandwich0
- Baked Beetles0
- Taking Hands0
- Entities0
- It0
- A Kitchen Knife0
- Not From Hens0
- The Carpet0
- Beyond0
- The Way Out0
- To Take0
- Do You Call That Living?0
- On Holiday0
- The Taste Of Gunny0
- A Blunt Yashmak0
- The Kiddies0
- I Give Up0
- My Window Box0
- A Pain In The Neck0
- Not Even0
- Tablets0
- Flat Thin Chests0
- A Good Girl0
- He Himself0
- Uncrossing Her Legs0
- Crete/Greece0
- Squeaky0
- Oddly Comforting0
- An Original Sweet0
- The Bridge0
- Butterfly0
- Snaps0
- Just0
- Hummed & Hawed0
- Thursday0
- A Cosy Nest0
- A Slice Of Seedcake0
- What A Funny Room0
- Heavy Rock0
- The Whole Forest0
- Little Hetty0
- A Bubble Or Two0
- A Flat Man0
- Jam0
- Alone0
- What Have You Got?0
- What?0
- Out With The Light0
- I Ate A Lady's Bun0
- One At A Time0
- Living Donkey0
- And So Do I0
- Excitement0
- Questionaire0
- Bleeding Shoes0
- A Ball In A Barrel0
- Blind0
- My Next Album0
- Aquarium0
- Flies0
- The Dichotomy Of Love0
- Lemonade0
- Birdswing0
- Turn To The Right0
- Empty Road At Little Bedwyn0
- I Built A House0
- Dumb Dames0
- Jackfish0
- The Bowling Green0
- Between Two Walls0
- Patronage0
- One Of The Best0
- Search For Grace0
- A Romantic Man0
- True Courage0
- Knocking At My Door0
- Moist Flier0
- Old Boots0
- The Long Way0
- Your Smell0
- Fish0
- Shoes0
- Deductive Lepidopteron0
- Stubborn Vassals0
- Filcombe Cottage Brook0
- Gorbals 19300
- British Museum0
- Smack!0
- Ep.1. Doing The Bathroom0
- I Ate A Lady's Bun0
- Fair's Fair0
- I Love You But I Don't Know What I Mean0
- OK, I'll Count To 80
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