Ioannis Koukouzèlis Biografie
Ioannis Koukouzèlis - 10 Songtexte
- "Alors, Il Leur Parlera Dans Sa Colère..." / "Then He Shall Speak To Them In His Anger..." / "Er Wird Einst Mit Ihnen Reden In Seinem Zom..."0
- "Il Grincera Des Dents Et Dépérira..." / "He Shall Grind His Teeth And Pine Away..." / "Seine Zähne Wird Er Zusammen Beissen, Und Vergehen..."0
- "Protège, Très Glorieux..." / "Protect, O Most Glorious..." / Beschütze, Du Glorreicher..."0
- "Bénissez Le Seigneur..." / "Bless The Lord..." / "Segnet Den Herrn..."0
- Kratime, Plagal Du 4ème Mode / Kratime, Plagal Of The 4th Mode / Kratima, Plagaler Des Vierten Ichos0
- Then He Shall Speak To Them In His Anger0
- He Shall Grind His Teeth And Pine Away0
- Protect, O Most Glorious0
- Bless The Lord0
- Kratima. Plagal Of The 4th Mode0
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