Veröffentlicht: 1956 Gesamte Laufzeit: / Minuten
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Dolcissimo Sospiro (1602)
Damigella Tutta Bella (1617)
Folgorato (1617)
In Quel Gelato Core (1614)
Infelice Didone (1623)
Torna Il Sereno Zeffiro (1623)
Vientene, O Mia Crudel (1929)
A Complaint Against Cupid
No Constancy In Man
An Eccho
Tavola - In Quel Gelato Core
Dissuasion From Presumption
Hymns To The Holy Trinity
Hymn To God The Father
Hymn To God The Son
Hymn To God The Holy Spirit
Among Rosebuds
A Lady To A Young Coutier
I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart
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