Harry Robinson Biografie
Harry Robinson - 55 Songtexte
- Baron Hartog's Story0
- Opening Credits0
- The Man In Black0
- Marcilla And The Man In Black0
- Laura's First Nightmare0
- Marcilla By Moonlight0
- Marcilla And Laura0
- Laura's Second Nightmare0
- Laura Is Dead, Marcilla Is Gone0
- Attack In The Woods0
- Emma Meets Carmilla0
- Playing Around0
- Emma's First Nightmare0
- Another Attack!0
- Carmilla And Emma0
- Carmilla And The Governess0
- The Doctor's Visiit0
- Carmilla Kills The Doctor0
- The Karnsteins Have Returned0
- The Governess Is Tormented0
- Hartog Retells The Story0
- Carmilla And Benton Hartog Continues The Story0
- Carmilla's Power0
- Carmilla Is Destroyed0
- The Mortons Leave The Ball (Waltz)0
- The Countess And Morcilla Arrive (Waltz)0
- A Sinister Message (Waltz)0
- Where Is Marcilla? (Waltz)0
- Accordion (Benton At The Inn)0
- The Brotherhood Strikes / Opening Credits0
- Confrontation In The Forest0
- The Body In The Woods / The Cleansing0
- The Resurrection Of Mircalla0
- Mircalla Claims Karnstein0
- Weil´s Warning0
- Karnstein´s Menace0
- Karnstein´s Guest0
- Maria Alone0
- Karnstein Claims Frieda / Another Burning0
- The Mirror Reveals Frieda0
- Dietrich´s Final Journey0
- Horror At The School0
- The Enemy Within0
- The Crucifix Repels Karnstein0
- Karnstein Kidnaps Maria0
- The Deception Begins0
- Frieda Escapes0
- The Seduction Of Anton / Maria´s Fate0
- Maria Is Rescued0
- The Hunt For Karnstein / Frieda Is Beheaded0
- Finale And End Credits0
- Weil´s Warning / Karnstein´s Menace0
- The Mirror Reveals Frieda / Dietrich´s Final Journey / Horror At The School0
- The Crucifix Repels Karnstein / Karnstein Kidnaps Maria0
- The Deception Begins / Frieda Escapes0
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