The Choice Of Hercules Songliste & Songtexte
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Laufzeit: 0:35
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Aria: There The Brisk Sparkling Nectar Drain
- 5
Aria & Chorus: While For Thy Arms That Beauty Glows
- 6
- 7
Aria: This Manly Youth's Exalted Mind
- 8
Recit: Rise, Youth! Exalt Thyself And Me
- 9
Aria: Go, Assert Thy Heav'nly Race
- 10
- 11
Chorus: So Shalt Thou Gain Immortal Praise
- 12
Recit: Hearst Thou, What Dangers Then Thou Must Engage?
- 13
While For Thy Arms That Beauty GlowsTurn Thee, Youth, To Joy And Love
- 14
Recit: Short Is My Way, Fair, Easy, Smooth And Plain
- 15
Aria: Yet, Can I Hear That Dulcet Lay
- 16
Aria: Enjoy The Sweet Elysian Grove
- 17
Recit: Oh! Whither, Reason, Dost Thou Fly?
- 18
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Recit: Mount, Mount The Steep Ascent
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Aria: Mount, Mount The Steep Ascent
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Chorus: Arise! Mount The Steep Ascent
- 22
Recit: The Sounds Breathe Fire
- 23
Aria: Lead, Goddess, Lead The Way!
- 24
Chorus: Virtue Will Place Thee In That Blest Abode