Hercules (A Musical Drama) Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
- 2
- 3
Accompagnato: See, With What Sad Dejection
- 4
Aria: No Longer, Fate, Relentless Frown
- 5
Accompagnato: O, Hercules, Why Art Thou Absent
- 6
Aria: The World, When Day's Career Is Run
- 7
Recitativo: Princess! Be Comforted
- 8
Arioso: I Feel, I Feel The God
- 9
Recitativo: He Said, The Sacred Fury Left His Breast
- 10
Aria: There, In Myrtle Shaded Reclin'd
- 11
- 12
Aria: Where Congeal'd The Northern Streams
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
Recitativo: A Train Of Captives
- 17
- 18
- 19
Recitativo: Ye Faithful Followers
- 20
Aria: Daughter Of Gods, Bright Liberty
- 21
- 22
- 23
Recitativo: Thanks To The Powr's Above
- 24
- 25
Recitativo: Now Farewell, Arms
- 26
- 27
Chorus: Crown With Festal Pomp The Day
- 28
Laufzeit: 0:35
- 29
Recitativo: Why Was I Born A Princess
- 30
- 31
- 32
Aria: When Beauty Sorrow's Liv'ry Wears
- 33
Recitativo: Whence This Unjust Suspicion?
- 34
Aria: Ah! Think What Ills The Jealous Prove
- 35
- 36
- 37
Aria: As Stars, That Rise And Disappear
- 38
Recitativo: In Vain You Strive
- 39
- 40
Recitativo: She Knows My Passion
- 41
Aria: Banish Love From Thy Breast
- 42
- 43
Aria: From Coelestial Seats Descending
- 44
Chorus: Wanton God Of Amorous Fires
- 45
Recitativo: Yes, I Congratulate Your Titles
- 46
Aria: Alcides' Name In Latest Story
- 47
Recitativo: O, Glorious Pattern Of Heroic Deeds
- 48
Aria: Resign Thy Club And Lion's Spoils
- 49
- 50
Aria: Cease, Ruler Of The Day, To Rise
- 51
Recitativo: Some Kinder Pow'r Inspire Me
- 52
Aria: Constant Lover's Never Roving
- 53
Recitativo: But See, The Princess Iöle
- 54
Aria & Chorus: Still Caressing And Caress'd
- 55
Duet: Joys Of Freedom, Joys Of Pow'r
- 56
Recitativo: Father Of Hercules, Great Jove
- 57
- 58
Recitativo: Ye Sons Of Trachin, Mourn
- 59
Aria: O Scene Of Unexampled Woe
- 60
- 61
Chorus: Tyrants Now No More Shall Dread
- 62
Arioso: O Jove! What Land Is This?
- 63
- 64
Accompagnato: Was It For This Unnumber'd Toils
- 65
Aria: Let Not Fame The Tidings Spread
- 66
Accompagnato: Where Shall I Fly
- 67
Recitativo: Lo! The Fair, Fatal Cause
- 68
Aria: My Breast With Tender Pity Swells
- 69
Recitativo & Accompagnato: Princess, Rejoice
- 70
Aria: He, Who For Atlas Prop'd The Sky
- 71
Recitativo & Accompagnato: Words Are Too Faint
- 72
Recitativo: How Blest Is Hyllus
- 73
Duet: Oh Prince, Whose Virtues All Admire
- 74
Recitativo: Ye Sons Of Freedom
- 75
Chorus: To Him Your Grateful Motes Of Praise