Gurdjieff Biografie
Georges I. Gurdjieff (russisch Георгий Иванович Гюрджиев, Transkription Georgi Iwanowitsch Gjurdschijew, wiss. Transliteration Georgij Ivanovič Gjurdžiev; vermutlich * 1866[1] in Alexandropol, Russisches Kaiserreich; † 29. Oktober 1949 in Paris) war ein griechisch-armenischer Esoteriker, Schriftsteller, Choreograph und Komponist, der zunächst in Russland und später in Frankreich wirkte. Bekannt wurde er als Lehrer des sog. Vierten Weges und Begründer einer weltweiten und verzweigten Anhängerschaft.
Gurdjieff - 392 Songtexte
- No. I0
- No. II0
- No. III0
- No. IV0
- No. VI0
- No. VII0
- No. V0
- No. VIII0
- No. IX0
- Seekers Of The Truth0
- No. XI0
- Retour De Voyage0
- 7 Décembre 19250
- Série Grecque En Do Mineur0
- 29 Septembre 19250
- Mido0
- Ancienne Série Grecque0
- Allegretto En Do Majeur0
- Moderato En Do Mineur0
- Andante En Do Majeur0
- Allegreto En Do Mineur0
- La Chute De La Prêtresse0
- Suite-Fontainebleau 26 Oct.0
- Fontainebleau 20 Oct. 19260
- Ancien Chant Populaire Romain0
- Hymne De Noël0
- Prière De Gratitude0
- Doudouki0
- Série Scridloff0
- Danse En Sol Mineur0
- Danse Arabe0
- Ronde Grecque0
- «Avoir Pitié De Soi»0
- Seconde Danse De Femmes0
- 18-C-6 (Prémière Série) - 1er Avril 19490
- 30-C «American 14» - 27 Septembre 19490
- 56-A-19 (Prémière Série) - 11 Avril 19490
- 103-A (P.S.) - 3 Mai 19490
- 105-C «Scotch Story» Dit Par G.I. Gurdjieff0
- 106-D-13 (P.S.)0
- Bande N°44 2è Part.0
- Chant Seïde N°14 (Sayid Chant N°14)0
- Lecture Des Livres Saints [Reading From Sacred Books)0
- Prière Et Désespoir (Prayer And Despair)0
- Chant Du Jeudi Saint (Hymn For Easter Thursday)0
- Chant Seïde N°5 (Sayid Chant N°5)0
- Histoire De La Résurrection Du Christ (The Story Of The Resurrection Of Christ)0
- Chant Des Pêcheuses0
- Sainte Affirmation (Holy Affirming), Sainte Négation (Holy Denying), Sainte Réconciliation (Holy Reconciling)0
- Chant Seïde N°10 (Sayid Chant N°10)0
- Chant Arménien (Armenian Chant)0
- Chant Seïde N°1 (Sayid Chant N°1)0
- Procession De La Nuit Saint (Easter Night Procession)0
- Chant Aissorien (Song Of The Aisors)0
- Chant D'Orient (Oriental Song)0
- Mélodie Grecque (Greek Melody)0
- Allegretto0
- Les Doudoukis (Bagpipes Music)0
- Cérémonie Religieuse N° (Religious Ceremony N°3)0
- Chant Religieux Orthodoxe D'Asie Mineure (Orthodox Hymn From Asia Minor N°5)0
- Chant Seïde N°9 (Sayid Chant N°9)0
- Chant Des Molokans (Molokan Song)0
- Mélodie Arménienne (Armenian Melody)0
- Méditaion (Meditation)0
- Chant Persan (Persian Melody)0
- Chant Seïde N°13 (Sayid Chant N°13)0
- Hymne D'un Grand Temple N°5 (Hymn 5)0
- Hymne D'un Grand Temple N°12 (Hymn From A Trulmy Great Temple N°12)0
- Chant Seïde N° 14 (Sayid Chant No. 14)0
- Les Doudoukis (Bagpipe Music)0
- Cérémonie Religieuse N° 3 (Religious Ceremony No. 3)0
- Chant Religieux Orthodoxe D'Asie Mineure N° 5 (Orthodox Hymn From Asia Minor No. 5)0
- Chant Seïde N° 9 (Sayid Chant No. 9)0
- Méditation (Meditation)0
- Chant Seïde N° 13 (Sayid Chant No. 13)0
- Hymne D'un Grand Temple N° 5 (Hymn From A Truly Great Temple No. 5)0
- Hymne D'un Grand Temple N° 12 (Hymn From A Truly Great Temple N° 12)0
- Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling0
- The Resurrection Of Christ0
- Prayer And Despair0
- Sayyid No.100
- Hymn (January 2,1927)0
- Sacred Reading From The Koran0
- Sayyid Song0
- Hymn For Easter Thursday0
- Hymn To The Endless Creator0
- Prayer No. 20
- Essene Hymn0
- Hymn From A Great Temple—No.10
- “Rejoice, Beelzebub!”0
- Bayaty0
- Kurd Melody From Isfahan0
- Meditation0
- “The Struggle Of The Magicians” (Excerpt No.1)0
- Reading From A Sacred Book0
- “The Struggle Of The Magicians” (Excerpt No. 3)0
- Katzapsky Song0
- Kurd Melody0
- “The Struggle Of The Magicians” (Excerpt No.2)0
- The Bokharian Dervish Hadji Asvatz-Troov0
- Kurd Shepherd Dance0
- Sayyid No. 140
- Kurd Shepherd Melody0
- Caucasian Dance0
- Sayyid No.10
- Persian Song0
- Hymn For Christmas Day—No. 20
- Sayyid No. 130
- Sayyid No. 90
- Song Of The Fisherwomen0
- On Leaving For Cannes0
- Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Hymn (February 14, 1926)0
- Hymn For Christmas Day—No. 10
- Vespers Anthem0
- Sayyid No. 70
- For Mr. Gurdjieff’s Wife0
- Kurd Melody For Two Flutes0
- Assyrian Women Mourners0
- Easter Hymn And Night Procession0
- Hymn For Easter Wednesday0
- Prayer And Procession0
- Night Procession0
- Remembrance0
- Hymns For A Great Temple0
- Journey To Inaccessible Places0
- Seekers Of The Truth (No. I-XI)0
- Seekers Of The Truth (No. XII-XIX)0
- Melody For The Enneagram0
- Dances And Chants Of The Seids0
- Seekers Of The Truth (No. I-XIX)0
- La Lutte Des Mages / The Struggle Of The Magicians0
- Voyage Vers Des Lieux Inaccessibles / Journey To Inaccessible Places0
- Hymnes D'un Grand Temple / Hymns Of A Great Temple0
- Le Grande Prière / The Great Prayer0
- Chercheurs De Vérité / Seekers Of The Truth0
- No. 1 Greek Melody0
- No. 2 Greek Round Dance0
- No. 3 Greek Song0
- No. 4 Kurd Melody For Two Flutes0
- No. 5 Oriental Song0
- No. 6 Persian Song0
- No. 7 Atarnakh, Kurd Song0
- No. 8 Tibetan Melody0
- No. 9 (Untitled)0
- No. 10 (Untitled)0
- No. 11 (Untitled)0
- No. 12 (Untitled)0
- No. 13 Duduki0
- No. 14 (Untitled)0
- No. 15 Armenian Melody0
- No. 16 Song Of The Molokans0
- No. 17 Kurd Shepherd Melody0
- No. 18 Song Of Aisors0
- No. 19 Kurd Shepherd's Dance0
- No. 20 Song Of The Fisherwoman0
- No. 21 Allegretto0
- No. 22 (Untitled)0
- No. 23 Mamacha0
- No. 24 Persian Dance0
- No. 25 Song Of Ancient Rome0
- No. 26 (Untitled)0
- No. 27 Armenian Song0
- No. 28 (Untitled)0
- No. 29 Ancient Greek Melody0
- No. 30 Long Ago In Mikhailov0
- No. 31 Oriental Melody0
- No. 32 Assyrian Women Mourners0
- No. 33 Kurd Melody From Isfahan0
- No. 34 Hindu Melody0
- No. 35 (Untitled)0
- No. 36 Armenian Song0
- No. 37 Greek Melody0
- No. 38 Afghan Melody0
- No. 39 (Untitled)0
- No. 40 (Untitled)0
- No. 41 Kurd Melody0
- No. 42 Ancient Greek Melody0
- No. 43 Ancient Greek Dance0
- No. 44 Greek Song0
- No. 45 Arabien Dance0
- No. 46 Greek Melody0
- No. 47 (Untitled)0
- No. 48 Tibetan "Masques", No. 10
- No. 49 Tibetan "Masques", No. 20
- No. 1 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Poco Rubato]0
- No. 2 For Professor Skridlov0
- No. 3 Sayyid Chant Dance0
- No. 4 (Untitled)0
- No. 5 Dervish Dance [Allegro Ma Non Troppo]0
- No. 6 Persian Dervish [Pesante]0
- No. 7 Dervish Chant And Dance [Andante Con Moto]0
- No. 8 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Rubato]0
- No. 9 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Lento. Poco Rubato]0
- No. 10 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Andantino. Molto Contabile Ed Espressivo]0
- No. 12 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Librement]0
- No. 13 (Untitled)0
- No. 14 Dervish Dance (Andante Con Moto. Poco Marciale]0
- No. 15 Sayyid Chant0
- No. 16 Persian Dervish [Moderato. Poco Rubato]0
- No. 17 Dervish Dance [Pesante]0
- No. 18 (Untitled)0
- No. 19 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Librement]0
- No. 20 (Untitled - Moderato)0
- No. 21 Sayyid Dance [Allegro Ma Non Troppo]0
- No. 22 Sayyid Dance [Andantino. Poco Marciale]0
- No. 23 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Liberamente]0
- No. 24 (Untitled)0
- No. 25 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Lento Non Troppo}0
- No. 26 Sayyid Dance [Allegro Con Brio]0
- No. 27 Dervish Dance [Con Moto. Il Ritmo Marcato Assai]0
- No. 28 Moorish Dance (Dervish) [Allegro Con Brio]0
- No. 29 Sayyid Chant And Dance0
- No. 30 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Alla Breve. Moderato]0
- No. 31 Sayyid Dance [Alerte]0
- No. 32 Katzapsky Song [Andante Marciale]0
- No. 33 Sayyid Dance0
- No. 34 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Quasi Recitativo. Con Moto]0
- No. 35 Bayaty0
- No. 36 Dervish Dance [Moderato. Pesante]0
- No. 37 (Untitled)0
- No. 38 Caucasian Dance [Allegro Con Brio]0
- No. 39 Kurdo-Greek Melody [Allegro Ma Non Troppo]0
- No. 40 Kurdish Song (Sayyid) [Allegretto Con Motto]0
- No. 41 Sayyid Chant And Dance0
- No. 42 Sayyid Chant And Dance [Moderato]0
- No. 1 Prayer0
- No. 2 [Untitled] 31.X.19260
- No. 3 Pity For One's Self0
- No. 4 Laudamus ...0
- No. 5 [Untitled] 23.X.19260
- No. 6 [Untitled] 22.III.1927 b0
- No. 7 [Untitled] 2.I.19270
- No. 8 [Untitled] 6.I.19270
- No. 9 [Untitled] 26.IX.19260
- No. 10 Hymn For Christmas Day, No. 10
- No. 11 [Untitled] 10.XII.19250
- No. 12 [Untitled] 14.II.19260
- No. 16a Prayer For Mercy0
- No. 13 Joyous Hymn0
- No. 14 As If The Stormy Years Had Passed0
- No. 15 "Rejoice, Beelzebub!"0
- No. 17 Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling0
- No. 18 Orthodox Hymn For A Midnight Service0
- No. 19 Reading From A Sacred Book0
- No. 20 Prayer And Despair0
- No. 21 Religious Ceremony0
- No. 22 Prayer Of Gratitude0
- No. 23 Orthodox Hymn From Asia Minor0
- No. 24 [Untitled] 22.III.19260
- No. 25 Prayer And Procession0
- No. 26 Easter Hymn0
- No. 27 [Untitled] 26.X.19260
- No. 28 Hymn For Good Friday0
- No. 29 [Untitled] 20.X.19260
- No. 30a [Untitled] 19.II.19270
- No. 31a Tibi Cantamus, No. 20
- No. 32 [Untitled] 19230
- No. 33 Alleluia0
- No. 34 Hymn For Christmas Day, No. 20
- No. 35 [Untitled] 1.IV.1927 b0
- No. 36 Hymn To Our Endless Creator0
- No. 37 Meditation0
- No. 38 Night Procession0
- No. 39 Tibi Cantamus, No. 10
- No. 40 Prayer0
- No. 41 Hymn For Easter Thursday0
- No. 42 Hymn For Easter Wednesday0
- No. 43 [Untitled] 14.IV.19270
- No. 44 [Untitled] 7.XII.1925 b0
- No. 45 Essene Hymn0
- No. 46 Women's Prayer0
- No. 47 Chant From A Holy Book0
- No. 48 Vesper Hymn0
- No. 49 [Untitled] 13.III.19270
- No. 50 The Resurrection Of Christ0
- No. 51 Easter Hymn And Procession In The Holy Night0
- Derviches Trembleurs / Trembling Dervish0
- Danse Derviche / Dervish Dance0
- Fontainebleau 1er Octobre 19250
- La "Marche"0
- "Big Seven"0
- Exercice 1924, No. 10
- Adam Et Ève0
- Musique Pour Le Mouvement No. 5 Des "39"0
- Derviche0
- No. 12 Du 15 Décembre 19250
- No. 340
- No. 410
- No. 130
- No. 30
- Danse Derviche En Re Minor / Dervish Dance In D Minor0
- Con Moto0
- Allegretto Moderato0
- Moderato Marcato0
- Allegro Con Spirito0
- Hymne Du 14 Février 19260
- L'Enneagramme / Eneagram0
- Chant Des Pêcheuses / Song Of The Fisherwomen0
- Mélodie Indienne / Hindu Melody0
- Chant Persan / Persian Song0
- Chant D'Orient / Oriental Song0
- Pleureuses Assyriennes / Assyrian Women Mourners0
- Danse Des Bergers Kurdes / Kurdish Sheperd's Dance0
- Mélodie Kurde / Kurdish Melody0
- Chant Kurde à Deux Flûtes / Kurdish Song For Two Flutes0
- Les Doudoukis / Bagpipe Music0
- Chants Des Molokans / Song Of The Molokans0
- Chant Arménian / Armenian Melody0
- Mélodie Orientale / Oriental Melody0
- Mélodie Grecque / Greek Melody0
- Mélodie Tibétaine / Tibetan Melody0
- Chant Aïssor / Song Of The Aisors0
- Mélodie Arménienne / Armenian Song0
- Chant Afghan / Afghan Melody0
- Danse De Masques Tibétains / Tibetan Masked Dance0
- Méditation / Meditation0
- La Chute De La Prêtresse / The Fall Of The Priestess0
- Hymn No. 10
- Hymn No. 20
- Hymn No. 3, Hymn Of The Cherubim0
- Hymn No. 40
- Hymn No. 50
- Hymn No. 6, Hymn From A Temple In India0
- Hymn No. 70
- Hymn No. 80
- Hymn No. 90
- Hymn No. 10, Essene Hymn0
- The Great Prayer0
- Fragment No. 10
- Fragment No. 50
- Moderato0
- Fragment No. 40
- Allegretto, Un Poco Pesante0
- Fragment No. 2, Dance In G Minor0
- Allegro Ma Non Troppo0
- Fragment No. 60
- Trinity0
- Fragment No. 30
- The Essentuki Prayer0
- Return From A Journey0
- The Initiation Of The Priestess0
- The Bokharian Dervish, Hadji Asvatz Trouv0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 42 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 1 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Danse Sayyid No. 26 / Sayyid Dance0
- Chant Kurde (Sayyid) No. 40 / Kurdish Song (Sayyid)0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 19 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Danse Sayyid No. 22 / Sayyid Dance0
- Chant Sayyid No. 15 / Sayyid Song0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 9 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 30 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 23 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Derviche Persan No. 16 / Persian Dervish0
- Danse Derviche No. 17 / Dervish Dance0
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid No. 25 / Sayyid Song And Dance0
- Danse Derviche No. 27 / Dervish Dance0
- Chant Et Danse Derviche No. 7 / Dervish Song And Dance0
- Derviche Persan No. 6 / Persian Dervish0
- Danse Mauresque (Derviche) No. 28 / Moorish Dance (Dervish)0
- L'Oie Sacree / The Sacred Goose0
- Extrait / Excerpt No. 10
- Extrait / Excerpt No. 20
- Extrait / Excerpt No. 30
- Chant Et Danse Sayyid / Sayyid Song And Dance (Rubato)0
- Chant Sayyid / Sayyid Song (1ere Partie / First Part)0
- Pièce No. 20
- Danse Sayyid / Sayyid Dance0
- Pièce No. 5 (Moderato)0
- Mélodie Kurde D'Ispahan / Kurd Melody From Ispahan0
- Hymne / Hymn No. 10
- Hymne / Hymn No. 20
- Hymne / Hymn No. 30
- Hymne / Hymn No. 40
- Hymne / Hymn No. 50
- Hymne / Hymn No. 80
- Hymne Essenien / Essenian Hymn (Larghetto Misterioso)0
- Chant From A Holy Book0
- Prayer0
- Duduki0
- Interlude I0
- I0
- II0
- III0
- Dance0
- Chant0
- Interlude II0
- Armenian Song0
- No. 110
- Woman's Prayer0
- Chant From A Holy Book, Var. 10
- Trois Morceaux Après Des Hymnes Byzantins0
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