
Dead Coroner Songtext / Lyric

F.K.Ü. - Dead Coroner Songtext

Dead and buried, there's no guarantee

In potters bluff there's no real R.I.P.

Introducing William Dobbs, mortician

Serving the dead in the time of need

In this town there are dead men walking

There's always a body ready at hand

Black magic or a medical breakthrough?

Re-animated corpses under his command


Sadistic mentor

Morbid inventor

The re-animator of life

An artist with the knife

Dead coroner

Murder as art, corpse painter supreme

People here never end up in an urn

Death's just the beginning of his evil scheme

Can't kill his children, they always return

Need them disfigured to work his skills

People check in and corpses check out

He's the mastermind behind the kills

A real life puppet master, no doubt

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