Ed Harcourt

Wandering Eye Songtext / Lyric

Ed Harcourt - Wandering Eye Songtext

They say I got a wandering eye

Straise to far from the flock

Always go with a grasses greener

Scater and keep each lock

You can be my treasure my jewel

Condemn to the soil on the Earth

Tied me to the end of voices

Place better in part goes fast

Well here I stop of the end at so nowhere

And the swing and a thousand yard stair

Whatching the boats with family and friends

They all come sure they have any suns waiting porsesion how's move from the church

A turn that god blasing into a bag curse'.

Picking my eye to stopping for drifting why with a tad

They say I got potential for violence

I can kill a men with my own hands

But I can't focus on .

I remember when I first saw you

I couldn't move I was paralyzed

I wander is you'll be the only one to put 'to my wandering eye

But here I stop at the end of some nowhere

And the swing and a thousand yard stair

Whatching the boats with family and friends

They all come sure they have any suns waiting porsesion how's move from the church

A turn that god blasing into a bag curse'.

Picking my eye to stopping for drifting why with a tad

There's no way that I can make it so

I am falling so far .

There no doubt of ever be like you

Stay in one place live the life here

They say I got a wandering eye

Stairs to far from the flock

Always go with a grasses greener

Scater and keep each lock

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