Edvard Grieg Songliste & Songtexte
- 1
- 2
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Finale —— Allegro Molto Vivace
- 5
Kongekvadet (The King's Song) Prelude To Act 1
- 6
Borghilds DrØM (Intermezzo) (Borghild’s Dream)
- 7
Ved Mannjevningen (The Matching Game) Prelude To Act 2
- 8
- 9
Norrønafolket (The Northland Folk)
- 10
Hyldningsmarsj (Homage Marchl Prelude To Act 3
- 11
- 12
Kongekvadet: Den Som Har Drømt Udfærd Og Dåd(The King’s Song)