Alejandro Jodorowsky Biografie
Alejandro Jodorowsky [a.le.ˈxan.ð̪ɾo xo.ð̪o.ˈɾ] (* 17. Februar 1929 in Tocopilla, Chile) ist ein chilenischer Regisseur, Schauspieler, Produzent, Komponist, Dramatiker, Mime, Schriftsteller und Comiczeichner. Besonders bekannt für seine esoterischen, surrealen und schockierenden Filme und Romane sowie eine Reihe von Comicbüchern.
Alejandro Jodorowsky - 61 Songtexte
- Burial Of The First Toy0
- Under The Earth0
- The Pigs Monastery0
- The Holy Beggars0
- Death Is Birth0
- Mexican Curios0
- Living Water0
- Vals Fantasma0
- The Soul Born In The Blood0
- Topo Triste0
- The Sugar Gods0
- Flowers Born In The Mud0
- The Hell Of The Prostituted Angels0
- March Of The Eyes In The Triangles0
- The Pain Of The Honey0
- 300 Rabbits0
- Knowledge Through Music0
- The First Flower After The Flood0
- Trance Mutation0
- Pissed And Passed Out0
- Violence Of The Lambs0
- Drink It0
- Christs 4 Sale0
- Cast Out And Pissed0
- Eye Of The Beholder0
- Communion0
- Rainbow Room0
- Alchemical Room0
- Tarot Will Teach You / Burn Your Money0
- Mattresses, Masks & Pearls0
- Isla (The Sapphic Sleep)0
- Psychedelic Weapons0
- Rich Man In A Fishbowl0
- Miniature Plastic Bomb Shop0
- F**k Machine0
- Baby Snakes0
- A Walk In The Park0
- Mice And Massacre0
- City Of Freedom0
- Starfish0
- The Climb / Reality (Zoom Back Camera)0
- Pantheon Bar (Bees Make Honey)0
- Mattresses, Masks and Pearls0
- Fuck Machine0
- Pantheon Bar (Bees Make Honey…)0
- Entierro Del Primer Juguete = Burial Of The First Toy0
- Bajo Tierra = Under The Earth0
- La Catedral De Los Puercos = The Pigs Monastery0
- Los Mendigos Sangrados = The Holy Beggars0
- La Muerte Es Un Nacimiento = Death Is Birth0
- Curios Mexicano = Mexican Curios0
- El Agua Viva = Living Water0
- El Alma Nace En La Sangre = The Soul Born In The Blood0
- Los Dioses De Azucar = The Sugar Gods0
- Las Flores Nacen En El Barro = Flowers Born In The Mud0
- El Infierno De Los Angeles Prostitutos = The Hell Of The Prostituted Angels0
- Marcha De Los Ojos En El Triangulos = March Of The Eyes In The Triangles0
- La Miel Del Dolor = The Pain Of The Honey0
- 300 Conejos = 300 Rabbits0
- Conocimiento A Traves De La Musica = Knowledge Through Music0
- La Primera Flor Despues Del Diluvio = The First Flower After The Flood0
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