Agathocles Biografie
Agathocles ist eine Grindcore-Band aus Belgien. Die Musiker bezeichnen ihren Stil als Mincecore (von to mince: ‚zerhacken‘, ‚durch den Fleischwolf drehen‘; to mince words: ‚kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen‘, und der Endung -core). Außerdem sind Agathocles für ihre zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen bekannt. Sie gehören zu den Bands mit den meisten Veröffentlichungen überhaupt.
Agathocles - 855 Songtexte
- A For Arrogance0
- Be Your Own God0
- Blackclouds Determinate0
- Forced Pollution0
- Four Walls0
- Hangman's Dance0
- Hideous Headchopping0
- Knock Back0
- Lay Off Me0
- Life Control0
- Mankind's not kind0
- My Reason0
- Playing With Lifes0
- Remember0
- Report0
- Sheer Neglect0
- Solitary Minded0
- Suffocation0
- Threshold To Senility0
- Try!0
- A Start At Least0
- Age Of The Mutans0
- All Gone0
- All Love Dead0
- Anthropodislogical0
- Bigheaded Bastards0
- Black ones (poem)/systemophobic0
- Clean The Scene0
- Cracking Up Solidarity0
- Criminalisation of a strange behaviour0
- Dare To Be Aware0
- Dear Friends0
- Deserves To Die0
- Didn't ask0
- Distrust And Abuse0
- Doctors Wished Me0
- Enough0
- Faded Novelty0
- Fear Not0
- Gear wheels0
- Get A Life0
- Hash-head, farmers' death0
- Hatronomous0
- Here And Now0
- Hippie Cult0
- Hormon Mob0
- Is there a place0
- Kids for crash0
- Kiss an ass0
- Labelisation0
- Lunatic0
- Media Creations0
- No use - hatred0
- No!0
- Provoked Behaviour0
- Razor Sharp Daggers0
- Rejected adaptation0
- Sieg Shit0
- Squeeze Anton0
- Lack Of Personality0
- Theatric Symbolisation Of Life0
- Like An Ivy0
- The Truth Begins, Where Man Stops To Think0
- Sentimental Hypocrisy0
- Non-Conformity0
- Kill Your Idols0
- Consuming Endoderme Pus0
- The Accident0
- What A Nerve0
- Agarchy0
- Teachers0
- Treshold To Senility0
- Alternative - Another Trend0
- Like An Ivy (Poem)/Suffocation0
- Bastard Breed (Intro) Scorn Of Humanity0
- Burning Water (Intro) / Lack Of Personality0
- Like An Ivy (Poem) / Suffocation0
- Train (Poem)/The Tree0
- The Truth Begins Where Man Stops To Think0
- Train (Poem) / The Tree0
- Mutilated Regurgitator0
- Forced Pollutions0
- Splattered Brains0
- Well Of Happiness0
- Judged By Appearence0
- Trust? Not Me0
- Gorgonised Dorks0
- Let It Be For What It Is0
- The Tree0
- Burning Water (Intro)/Lack Of Personality0
- Bastard Breed (Intro) / Scorn Of Humanity0
- Megalomanic Stupidity0
- Hangman's Dance0
- Black Clouds Determinate0
- Ubermensch Hilarity0
- Triple Murder Flesh0
- Europe's Fairy Tale0
- Musicianship - Musicianshit0
- Confront Your Image0
- Mister Hardcore Syndrome0
- For White Lies0
- Technological Boom - Technological Doom0
- Destroy To Create0
- Bigheaded Bastard0
- Hate Birth0
- Birds (Poem) / Agarchy0
- Bigheaded Basterd0
- What Mankind Creates0
- Get Off Your Ass0
- Thy Kingdom Won't Come0
- Swallow Or Choke0
- Throwing Away Crap0
- Didn't Ask0
- Twisting History0
- Zero - Ego0
- Gear-Wheels0
- Hash-Head, Farmers' Death0
- Kiss My Ass0
- Get Of Your Ass0
- Black Ones (Poem) / Systemphobic0
- Rejected Adaption0
- An Abstract0
- Senseless Trip0
- Is It Really Mine?0
- Zero-Ego0
- Untitled0
- Intro By Eddie B.0
- Criminalisation Of Strange Behaviour0
- Until It Bleeds0
- End Of The Line0
- Thanks For Your Hostility0
- Hatred Is The Cure0
- Distraction0
- Cheers Mankind Cheers0
- Strangulation0
- Foul0
- No Use... Hatred0
- No One's Right0
- Is There A Place?0
- Go Fucking Nihilist0
- Progress Or Stupidity?0
- He Cared0
- Mankind's Not Kind0
- Reduced To An Object0
- Ego-Generosity0
- .....0
- Humarrogance0
- Because0
- Model Citizen0
- Let's Feel Alright0
- As Years Pass By0
- It Bothers Me0
- One-Day-Fly0
- White Horse0
- Ain't I?0
- Beam Me Up, Scotty0
- Ice-Brick0
- Culture Of Degradation0
- Closed Down0
- Alright, Let's Feel0
- Kneel And Pay0
- Failure?0
- I Can't Stand0
- Smelling The Odours Of Death0
- The Bastards Have Landed0
- Mince-Core0
- Intro / Drug-Induced Fantasies0
- Kids For Cash0
- No Remorse0
- Robotized0
- Thanks For Your Hostility (Live)0
- Criminalisation Of Strange Behaviour (Live)0
- Is It Really Mine? (Live)0
- Wir Fahren Gegen Nazis (Live)0
- Doctor Wished Me0
- Ice Brick0
- Trust? Not Me / Big One0
- Threshold To Senility / Provoked Behavior0
- Inner-Hell0
- Intro / Cash Will Do The Job0
- Raw War0
- You Bet0
- Autonomy Melts0
- Bait Of The State0
- Take A Piss0
- Bureaucracy Versus Efficiency0
- One-Way-Dead-End-Street0
- The Aim Is The Same0
- Saturday-Night Swindle0
- Directed By The US0
- Zero-Tolerance0
- Hand In Hand0
- Smash To Nothingness0
- Superiority Overdose0
- Proud To Be Out0
- Chop Off Their Genitals0
- At Random0
- Autumness0
- Save Your Soul0
- No Sign Of Unity0
- Made Of Babies0
- Pale0
- Useless Judgement0
- Alexandra's End / Outro0
- Intro - Cash Will Do The Job0
- Alexandra's End - Outro0
- Poisonous Profit0
- No Gain Just Pain0
- The Sin I Regret0
- Insufferable Being?0
- Do All The Sick Experience Healing?0
- L'Ardoise Vierge0
- Fragments Of A Time To Come0
- Bastard Breed We Don't Need0
- Jack's Life0
- We Pay0
- Politicans' Newyears' Wishes0
- Denying Identity0
- Earth 25000
- Their Excuse0
- I Thought0
- Full Of Hatred0
- March Over You0
- Fake Friend0
- Majesty Of Fools0
- Fog0
- Trust? Not Me!0
- Purified By Death0
- Deceased0
- Introtyl0
- Christianity Means Tyranny0
- Gorgonized Dorks0
- The Well Of Happiness0
- Intro0
- Thy Kingdom Won't Come0
- Insufferable Being0
- Reduced To An Object?0
- Ain't I?0
- No Use..... (Hatred)0
- Mince Core0
- Theatric Symbolization Of Life0
- This Again IV0
- Ruled0
- Histeria0
- Shadows In Theory0
- No War!0
- Breakdown0
- Human Degradation0
- Inner Pain0
- Losers Game0
- The Wrong Place0
- Sublime0
- The Wrong Time0
- Same Old Faces0
- Running0
- I Can See The Reality0
- Playboys As Fuck0
- Sensations Of Time Are Lost0
- Didn't Ask0
- Age Of The Mutants0
- Gear - Wheels0
- Hash-Head, Farmer's Death0
- Bomb The Bastard0
- Judged Too Soon0
- Wage-War0
- To Serve... To Protect0
- Scared0
- Homes Not Domes0
- Who Cares0
- Euro-Nomous0
- One-Sided-Views0
- Wrong Ways0
- Living In Hell0
- Cool Fools0
- Tele-Conning0
- Fed Up With Your Make-Up0
- Animal Boy0
- Leads To...0
- What For?0
- Dope, Dole, Dumb0
- Your Standards0
- Fist The Rapists0
- Water0
- Flesh0
- The Needle0
- This World0
- Unity?0
- Clear The Channel0
- Sack The Gatt0
- Fucking Right (We're Left)0
- Last In, First Out0
- Lowlife Scumbags0
- Cash And Traps0
- Violence And Pure Hate (I Am)0
- Seeds Of Cruelty0
- Belgian Politics0
- Politie0
- What?0
- Vlaams Belang0
- Intro-Cash Will Do The Job0
- Beaurocracy Versus Efficiency0
- One-Way-Dead-End Street0
- Saturday Night Swindle0
- Zero Tolerance0
- Alexandra's End-Outro0
- Dethrone The Tyrant0
- Matadores Del Libertad0
- Maze Of Papers0
- Empty Frame0
- War Fetisjists Kill0
- Carved Face Fashion0
- Forced To Masterbate0
- Ergos - Thanatos0
- Archives And Files0
- Yuppie Career Freak0
- Diary Of White Trash0
- Bass The Gabbers0
- Kurose0
- Expendable Goods0
- Class War Necessity0
- Logical Exodus0
- Misery = Destinty0
- Pricks At Gigs0
- Goredom - Boredom0
- Where It Belongs0
- Mincer0
- Forced To Masturbate0
- Misery = Destiny0
- L'Ardoise Vierge0
- Bastard Breed We Don't Need0
- Jack's Life0
- Politicans' Newyears' Wishes0
- Hash-Head, Farmers' Death0
- Necessity0
- Bank And Breakfast0
- Feasting On The Sick0
- Ministries Of Arms0
- Turn The Cameras0
- Public Transport0
- Stress Bites Back0
- Demoncracy0
- Caged0
- Solution Or Prob0
- Böser Mann, Gute Frau0
- Babyshaker0
- Chop Chop Song0
- Jugendgewalt0
- Boneyard0
- Jesus Last Words0
- Nicht So Gemeint0
- A.I.D.S.0
- Opferschutz0
- Als Die ... Kamen0
- Was Ist Dran Am Rastermann0
- Country Cousin0
- Nazischweine0
- Tripper Clipper0
- Womankiller0
- Deutsche Eiche0
- Pampered With A Hammer0
- Ausgelacht Und Angespuckt0
- You Suffer0
- Der Arbeiter0
- Antichrist0
- No One's Right0
- Kicked And Whipped0
- Mankind's Not Kind0
- Kill Your Fucking Idols0
- Glue0
- Eritema0
- Pulverised0
- Like An Ivy (Poem) / Agarchy0
- 19990
- Alternative-Another Trend0
- Sentymental Hipocrisy0
- Theatric Symbolisatism Of Life0
- 19980
- 19970
- 19960
- 19950
- 19940
- 19930
- 19920
- 19910
- 19900
- Playing With Lives0
- Животные ждут освобождения0
- Они как мы0
- Труп0
- Экологическая0
- Быть скинхедом0
- Я рождён быть свободным0
- Отходы0
- Шубы0
- Единая Россия0
- Деньги и кровь0
- Корпоративное рабство0
- Рутина0
- Управление на заводе0
- Скандал! отдел! решётка!0
- Ты - человек0
- Не подчиняйся0
- Grind Is Protest0
- Only Friction0
- Bon Apetit0
- Legions Of Consumption0
- Pathetic0
- Bang Bang0
- Worthless0
- Open The Gates0
- Paula0
- Big Flat Cages0
- Run Whitey Run0
- Contradiction0
- Desk Armada0
- Liberal Cancer0
- Ring Tone Rip Off0
- Porcelain A0
- Hype And Go0
- Bad Ass Farmer0
- Electrifarce0
- Axe The Tax0
- Voor Wat Het Baat0
- Religious Fucking Dope0
- Hear More0
- Vmo0
- Bank(rupt) Cards0
- Today's Solution0
- Infoverdose0
- Knights Of The Cash0
- Too Fast0
- Tension0
- Horns Up - Fuck Off0
- Not A Bit0
- Monitored And Controlled0
- Abolition0
- Chronic Death0
- OSL0
- Arbeit Macht Krank0
- Arrows Of Death0
- The Fog0
- Deceiver0
- Enemy Alliance0
- Lay Offf Me0
- My Eve Of Destruction0
- Blue Blood Dummies0
- Another Grey Brick0
- Obey Their Rules0
- Copyleft0
- Law And Order0
- A Broken Mess0
- Fed Up & Angry0
- Share Welfare0
- Aside0
- Shooting Metal Up The Sky0
- Bastard Breed (Intro)/Scorn Of Humanity0
- Hangman's Dance0
- Europe's Fairytale0
- Musicianship-Musicianshit0
- Technological Boom-Technological Doom0
- Black Tea0
- Houses Of Fraud0
- Straight Lane0
- Bits And Chips0
- Reduce The Pain, Refuse The Gain0
- Peoples Property0
- Gaszilla0
- Soap And Joke0
- Hyvaa Paivaa0
- Financial Cris-Ass0
- Motherfucker (Swing That Axe)0
- Go With A Blow0
- Monkey Business0
- Troops Of Rhumania0
- Cut Off0
- God Save The Real Green Crocodile0
- Fangs Feasting On Funds0
- Cleptocracy0
- De Kiezer Heeft Altijd Gelijk0
- Ulkopuolinen0
- Stuck@dumb.com0
- More Patches Than Brains0
- Gallows Eve0
- After The Battle0
- Will Gone, Lobotomy Done0
- Manipulotiek0
- Gallow's Eve0
- Ulkopuholinen0
- Mondo Variopinto0
- Meglio i Vermi0
- Morire Da Eroe0
- Gravidanza Sospetta0
- Dalla Placenta Alla Merda0
- W Le Seghe0
- Assorbeni Con Le ALi0
- Le Disavventure Di Un Calvo0
- Koprfagia0
- I Koala Fluorescenti Sono Sul Pierde Di Guerra0
- I Koala Fluorescenti Vinsero La Guerra Dopo Una Lunga Ed Estenuante Battaglia Molto Sanguinosa Ed Epica0
- Occhi Mutilati0
- Cannibal Summer0
- The Long Night When The Riot Exploded...0
- Will Gone -Lobotomy Done0
- Who Cares?0
- Soap & Joke0
- Will Gone - Lobotomy Done0
- Share Wekfare0
- Blocked0
- None Left0
- Disobediance0
- Paid Off0
- Strangeways0
- Analogue Headache0
- Ratings Up Their Arse0
- Messed Up And Proud0
- Up The Barricades0
- Over The Horizon0
- Storm Over Belgium0
- Tear It Up0
- Symbols Of Crap0
- Sore Losers0
- Annihilate And Create0
- Elections Mean Rejection0
- Uniform Fear0
- Bully Men0
- Torch The Parliament0
- Tornado Rodeo0
- Banzai!0
- Изуродую (The Zverstvo)0
- ... (Konfuzz)0
- Останься Собой (Unconform)0
- Чистилище (Колесо Дхармы)0
- Seeing Red (Minor Threat)0
- Прощай (Свиньи в Космосе)0
- My Mind Invaders (Cripple Bastards)0
- Motherfucker (Swing That Axe) (Live 2010)0
- Straight Lane (Live 2010)0
- Put A Laugh On Your Stupid Face0
- Plan Colombia0
- Earth 250-No Gain, Just Pain (Agathocles Cover)0
- Fuck The Stupid Christians0
- White Pride (Good Night White Pride)0
- Bastard0
- Corrupcion0
- Europe's Fairy Tale0
- From Grey To Black0
- Rozen Voor De Doden0
- Find My Hatred0
- Happy House0
- Rockstar Punk Rock0
- What Do You Expect0
- I Don't Wanna See You0
- Hormonmob0
- Fearnot0
- Big One0
- Wiped From The Surface0
- Debalance Their Policy0
- Another Need To Be Fed0
- Screenfreak0
- Bring Down Their Throne0
- Pigs In Blue0
- I Just Won't Fit0
- Trastorno Dismórfico Corporal II0
- Froteurismo0
- Todos Valen Verga0
- Eres Una Mierda0
- Haciendo Bobadas0
- Autoridiculización0
- Programming Punk0
- Dormir Vomitar0
- Perra Puta Reputa0
- Y Tu Mamá También0
- O.S.L.0
- Open The Gate0
- Living Hell Downfall0
- Brutality in darkness0
- Loss Of Innocence0
- Burning Into Zen0
- Edge Of Pain0
- Why For So Long?0
- Hopeless Daily War0
- Dead Meat Walking0
- Crackland0
- Charnel Valley0
- No More0
- Born. Consume. Die.0
- Excavated0
- Inadequate0
- Domestos0
- Welcome to Hell0
- Intro/Hypocritical Aid0
- Different0
- No Importance0
- News Off/On0
- Squat The City Hall0
- Marching Towards Death0
- Replace The Lot0
- Blue Jokes0
- Distorted Portraits0
- Blow Their Fucking Ears0
- Computerized Slavery0
- Anonymous Planet0
- Wrong Expectation0
- Loser & Winner0
- Scratch The Dignity0
- Cheat Deduction0
- Hit A Toll Gate0
- Missing On Radar0
- Fake Crash0
- Lost Plane0
- International Conspiracy Theory0
- Frozen Brain0
- Media Fault0
- No Score0
- Extraterrorismorgue0
- Blame Your T.V.0
- Criticize0
- Sober Robber0
- Nuclear Destruction0
- Dirty Tactics0
- Last Defender0
- Noise & Grind0
- Electricity Death0
- Under Siege0
- GrindPalz0
- Punishing Blindly0
- People Are Stupid Because Of Technology0
- Your Dead Is A Guarantee0
- Zero Suspect0
- Buy The Officer0
- Where's The Morgue?0
- Violent Dream0
- Drunk Driver0
- I'm Full Enough0
- To Be Continued0
- In Nomine Dei Nostri0
- Stupid Indeed0
- Useless Minds0
- O.S.L0
- Am I Or Not0
- Another Boring Weekend0
- Leave My Seat0
- Likt Ze !0
- Irritating Bus Dj's0
- Watch Out You Are Being Watched0
- Energy Leeches0
- Walhalla For Wankers0
- Grabbed And Stabbed0
- It Is What It Is0
- Ladder To Discontent0
- Listening To Fear0
- Slipped Out, Fell Dead0
- Suppository Of Speed0
- Terror In The Mirror0
- Thunderbox0
- Yukmouth Rises Again0
- Am I Or Not?0
- One Day Fly0
- Thy Kingdom Won’t Come0
- Urogenia Pernicious Quandar0
- Pathogenesis Of Spherocitosys0
- Exfolliative Erosive Ganglium0
- Necrodissected0
- Granulomes Defect Urogenia0
- Internous Lidistrophia In Chronicism0
- Carboxhaemaglobunized Crabia Cord0
- Sarno Tumorose Renal Conditions0
- Haemacultive Depurates Ulcerive In Ecthopagist Syndromes0
- No Use...Hatred0
- I Am Or Not?0
- Likt Ze!0
- Broken Mouth0
- Microcosmos0
- Loveless0
- Despondency0
- Use The Mincer0
- Lobotomy Done0
- And The Loser Is...0
- Koroso0
- Convivência0
- Industry Of Life0
- Terrified0
- Price Too High0
- Natural Born Ear Massacra0
- Life View0
- What Freedom?0
- Who Owns You?0
- Smash, Kill And Erase0
- Our Hate For Racists0
- Police: Who Needs It?0
- An Insane Will0
- Technological Error0
- Raiva E Rancor0
- Life Disturbed0
- Victim Generation0
- Commitment Is Emprisonment0
- Every Step You Go Head0
- Time Is An Axe0
- (B)Arsehole0
- Politicians In Election Time0
- Losing Is For Winners0
- Sweet Hell0
- Wish No More0
- Dont Commit Suicide By Hanging On Your Dick0
- Goede Raad0
- Morning Kiss0
- Walk With Me0
- Whisky Like Water0
- Another Dead Soldier0
- Team Spirit No Spirit0
- Praying Prey0
- Regenbogen Hebben Gelogen0
- Living With The Rats0
- Fly (Pleasure Of My Filth)0
- Welcome0
- Hear The Whispers0
- Fuck-Ball0
- Rollercoaster0
- Destination Death0
- Graveyard0
- Sick0
- White Coats0
- Hey You Fucking Cop0
- My Mind Needs To Eat0
- Mirror, Mirror0
- Lord Of Armageddon0
- Big Sick Business0
- Frost Bitten Death0
- Hit It Again0
- Retardation0
- Cruelty For Popularity0
- The World Owes Them A Living0
- Green Versus Green0
- Nice Brand, Wrong Price0
- Blue Twisted Rules0
- Incarceration0
- Democracide0
- Fed Up With Your Make Up0
- Hang0
- Funeral0
- Coffins0
- Make Noise0
- Death Ends Here0
- Hypocritical Aid0
- Finanlcial Cris-Ass0
- Let's Feel Alright0
- Deadhouse0
- Straight Ahead0
- Conform0
- Vrouwen Beslist0
- Nazional Sozial (Ist) Security0
- Irreversible Decision0
- From Conversation To Manipulation0
- Who Am I (EMI)?0
- Join Them0
- Explore0
- Wage War0
- Wrong Way0
- Tranquilizer Up Your Butt0
- Invitation0
- Zie Mijn Gelaat0
- Anarchist Spectrum Disorder0
- Hellish Hammer0
- Don't Commit Suicide By Hanging On Your Dick0
- Fallen Angels In My Head0
- Drain Your Head0
- Demolish Art0
- Release Your Fear0
- Paradox0
- Alcoholica0
- Arty Farty Poetry0
- Chinese End0
- A For Arrogance / Smash To Nothingness0
- Directed By The U.S.0
- Bureaucracy Vs Efficiency0
- Without A Clue0
- Cash Will Do The Job0
- Bureaucracy Vs. Efficiency0
- One Way Dead End Street0
- Alexandra's End0
- Heads Not Found0
- Bathing In Hate0
- Noise Abatement Crusaders0
- Snobhunt0
- Bad Space Cake0
- Opportunist Swines0
- Lights Off0
- I Piss As Defense0
- No More Faith0
- Freeze My Dear0
- Dark Marks0
- Black Evil Rays0
- From Market Place To More Space0
- King Of The Scene0
- Thanks Man !0
- Orgulho Americano0
- Why Do They Gaggle ?0
- Demons In My Head0
- (sh)out0
- Wasted Words0
- Interrupted0
- Flag Up Your Arse0
- A Late Abortion0
- Different Direction0
- Opgefokt0
- The Only Honesty0
- Dedaesque Orange Attac0
- Hypotrips0
- Commence To Mince0
- Excellent Toilet Paper0
- And The Loser It0
- Nazional Sozialist Security0
- In The City Of Opportunist0
- Kill Thrill0
- Why Do They Gaggle?0
- Gallows Eye0
- And The Looser Is0
- Korose0
- D For Distortion0
- Not Happy At All0
- Dry Throats0
- Feedback Attack0
- Zeke Ate White Powder0
- White Stick Society0
- Potyautas0
- Prelude To A Civil War0
- Napalm Life0
- Wage-Slave Exchange0
- Entombed In Plastic0
- SxFxExGx0
- A Thin Green Veneer Over Business As Usual0
- Total Environmental Collapse0
- Military Entertainment Complex0
- Soil Erosion0
- Panic0
- Resource Wars0
- Choking Atmosphere0
- My Ride Goes On0
- The Only Judge0
- Emptiness0
- The Only Smile0
- Frontal Confrontations0
- Keep Them0
- Armas Da Revolução0
- Apoiadores0
- Atos De Covardia0
- Infecção Silenciosa0
- Evolução / Devastação0
- 10%0
- Verme Ambulante0
- Escória0
- Doutores Da Morte0
- Stigmas Da Ignorância0
- Filantropo De Internet0
- Pobre Criança0
Was denkst du über "Agathocles"?